White House, NIST launch online forum to collect public input on smart grid

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The White House launched on Tuesday an online forum to collect feedback from the public on deploying a consumer interface for the smart power grid as part of the Obama administration's open government initiative.

The Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology created the Web site to encourage the public to discuss and submit ideas for the smart grid, a modernized distribution system that monitors home energy use as a way to save energy. The discussion, which follows a blog format, seeks comments on three issues: the architecture of the system, who has access to and ownership of energy consumption data, and standards for consumer appliances and other devices that will transmit energy data over the smart grid.

Between Feb. 23 and March 12 users can register to provide feedback on the Smart Grid Forum or they can e-mail responses to smartgrid@ostp.gov, and the comments will be posted online.

White House, NIST launch online forum to collect public input on smart grid Office of Science and Technology Policy Forum: Consumer Interface with the Smart Grid Blog (Visit the website)