Cupcakes and Broadband Go Together

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At the Broadband and Small Business Forum held last week, Warren Brown, owner of CakeLove (home of scratch-made cake), talked extensively about his experience with broadband and how technology assists him in business.

Brown and CakeLove leverage broadband for:

  • Streamline ordering and administrative functions, freeing up store employees to better serve customers.
  • Marketing CakeLove, accepting orders on-line, building support for the baking community.
  • Promote on-line couponing and building sales, interacting with the social media universe, and "go where people are" (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc).

CakeLove is just one example of how small businesses are using broadband and the new economy to grow and prosper. As Chairman Genachowski said, "When small businesses use broadband, it's a double win. Affordable high speed broadband enables small business to increase revenue by reaching a larger market and reduce costs by cloud-based efficiency tools. More profit, more jobs created."

Cupcakes and Broadband Go Together