Media Access Project wants network neutrality tied to USF reform

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The Media Access Project (MAP), a staunch network neutrality proponent, wants the Federal Communications Commissions to include "open Internet" rules in its effort to overhaul the Universal Service Fund, which is devoted to subsidizing telecom services in underserved areas.

MAP said in a document filed with the FCC this week that companies who receive USF support should have to comply with network neutrality rules. The group points to a previous Public Knowledge filing that makes the argument that the commission has the authority to create requirements for companies who receive government subsidies. MAP contends in the filing that net-neutrality regulations would spur broadband deployment, a view contested by industry. Openness requirements "promote deployment and competition by providing incentives for buildout rather than for the creation and maintenance of artificial scarcity and capacity constraints."

Media Access Project wants network neutrality tied to USF reform