Google Executive Who Was Jailed Said He Was Part of Online Campaign in Egypt
In a tearful, riveting live television interview only two hours after his release from an Egyptian prison, the Google executive Wael Ghonim acknowledged that he was one of the people behind the anonymous Facebook and YouTube campaign that helped galvanize the protest that has shaken Egypt for the last two weeks.
Since he disappeared on Jan. 28, Mr. Ghonim, 30, has emerged as a symbol for the protest movement’s young, digital-savvy organizers. During the interview on a popular television show, he said he had been kidnapped and held blindfolded by Egyptian authorities. Afterward, hundreds of Egyptians took to Twitter and the Internet, calling on him to become one of their new leaders. “Please do not make me a hero,” Mr. Ghonim said in a voice trembling with emotion, and later completely breaking down when told of the hundreds of people who have died in clashes since the Jan. 25 protests began. “I want to express my condolences for all the Egyptians who died.”
Google Executive Who Was Jailed Said He Was Part of Online Campaign in Egypt Regime Releases Rallying Symbol (WSJ) Taking life beyond the Google motto (San Jose Merc)