Kantar Video Study Underscores Super Bowl’s Two-Point Conversion
A study released by WPP research arm Kantar Video underscores just how impactful the Internet can be for Super Bowl ads.
It only goes to show that as creative as some marketers are getting, there’s still so much potential to be mined online. Kantar found that the 10 most popular ads online generated an additional $1 million in impressions—more than half of which accrued to the list’s top entry, Volkswagen’s “The Force,” which has drawn a stunning total of over 26 million streams. Keep in mind that Volkswagen was among the marketers that not only scored extra points after the Super Bowl, but started generating interest days before kickoff. While extending the impact of a Super Bowl TV ad online is nothing new, the 2011 event underscored the notion that Madison Avenue may still be only scratching the surface in terms of unlocking the total value of these spots across platforms.
Kantar Video Study Underscores Super Bowl’s Two-Point Conversion