Internet Strikes Back

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Public Knowledge has designated Feb. 17 as "" day. That comes as House Republicans take aim at network neutrality via a pair of Hill hearings this week.

PK, which backs the Federal Communications Commission's expansion and codification of network neutrality rules, said it chose the date because it was one day after the House Commerce Committee will hold its hearing on rolling back the regulations. House Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) have pledged to invalidate the FCC's Dec. 21 vote to adopt the new regulations. A separate hearing on the antitrust implications of the network neutrality rules is slated for Feb. 15 in the House Judiciary Committee. PK wants folks to contact their members of Congress to oppose any legislative move to undo the rules, and will distribute action alerts and a downloadable "" Web site logo.

Internet Strikes Back