Clinton Calls for Global Standards for Internet Use

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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for common global standards to guide the use of the Internet, while increasing pressure on countries like Iran, Syria and China to allow the free flow of information in their societies.

But she cited the recent leaking of thousands of secret State Department cables by the Website WikiLeaks as the type of abuses that have to be guarded against. "Government documents were stolen, just the same as if they had been smuggled out in a briefcase," Sec Clinton said. "By publishing the diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks exposed people to even greater risk."

She stressed that nations need to agree on common legal platforms to ensure the Internet isn't used for theft, espionage and political repression. Sec Clinton hailed the role that social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have played in organizing a recent wave of political protests that have targeted dictatorial regimes in the Middle East. "Finding the proper measure for the Internet is critical because the qualities that make the Internet a force for unprecedented progress -- its openness, its leveling effect, its reach and speed -- also enable wrongdoing on an unprecedented scale," said Sec Clinton. She was particularly critical of the governments of Iran and Syria for denying citizens unfettered access to information. On Monday, the Iranian government shut down the Internet and social-networking sites as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to protest President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government.

Clinton Calls for Global Standards for Internet Use Internet Rights and Wrongs: Choices & Challenges in a Networked World (read the speech) Fact Sheet (State Dept) Clinton pledges VC approach to anti-censorship tech (The Hill) Clinton on Internet Freedom: Living by the Standards We Hold the World To (The Atlantic) Hillary Clinton: U.S backs 'right to connect' (Politico - right to connect) US weaves tangled Web policy (Politico - Wikileaks) Hillary Clinton's speech: Shades of hypocrisy on Internet freedom (Guardian) Former FCC Official Questions If U.S. Abiding By Net Freedom Standards (National Journal) Clinton: Internet Freedom a 'Foreign Policy Priority' (nextgov) Clinton: Nations Will 'Pay Price' For Restricting Web (NPR - audio) Clinton warns governments that limiting Internet will backfire (WashPost) Hillary Clinton champions Internet freedom, but cautions on WikiLeaks (CSM)