Zell Fights to Avoid Legal Claims Over Tribune Buyout

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Tribune Company Chairman Sam Zell is battling to avoid legal liability for leading what he called “the deal from hell,” the $8.2 billion buyout of the bankrupt newspaper and television company.

In court papers filed March 22, Zell asked the judge overseeing Tribune’s bankruptcy for permission to challenge a lawsuit filed against him by creditors. The lawsuit seeks to recover money from him, and other Tribune managers, whom creditors blame for the company’s inability to repay about $13 billion in debt, most of which is tied to the 2007 buyout. “He is the one person who did nothing wrong,” David Bradford, Zell’s bankruptcy attorney, said in court, a few hours before filing the latest round of court papers in which the Chicago real estate billionaire denied responsibility for Tribune’s insolvency.

Zell Fights to Avoid Legal Claims Over Tribune Buyout