NCTA: One-Size Set-Tops Don't Fit All

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In comments filed at the Federal Communications Commission on the National broadband Plan, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association argues that the cable industry is participating in at least 10 different projects to advance the FCC's goal of integrating video delivery systems via set-top devices to make it easier for consumers to access a range of content on-air and online over their TVs. The FCC is looking to spur broadband deployment by leveraging the 99% penetration of TV sets vs. about 75% for computers. NCTA says the FCC should not rush to adopt a "standardized gateway" to deliver all multichannel video programming to the home. "Proposed mandates on MVPDs to reinvent their platforms to use a one-size-fits-all, consensus technology would slow or stifle the development of diverse technologies and services that drive competition, innovation, and expanded choice for consumers," the group argues.

NCTA: One-Size Set-Tops Don't Fit All Comments (NCTA)