Rep Markey Still Concerned About Apple Tracking

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Apple has promised to update its software to address concerns that its iPhones, iPads and other devices may be keeping files that track users' movements. But Rep Ed Markey (D-MA) says he is not quite satisfied.

"Specifically, Apple will encrypt location information stored on customers' iPhones and iPads and other Apple mobile devices and significantly shorten the amount of time location information is retained by the company," said Rep Markey, co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Congressional Privacy Caucus. "Still, I remain concerned about the apparent contradiction between Apple's assertion that it does not track consumers and its explanation that it maintains a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers around a user's current location. Such a distinction does not make much difference to consumers whose location could be pinpointed with great accuracy," Rep Markey said. "Apple's response also indicates that the company has entered into a confidential business relationship with a third party to share the anonymous location data it gathers from users. Apple should make more details of this sharing arrangement known, and I will be following up with Apple to get clarification on this issue."

Rep Markey Still Concerned About Apple Tracking Apple tells Markey it doesn't track users (Politico)