How Google controls Android: digging deep into the Skyhook filings

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You might remember that a company called Skyhook Wireless sued Google back in September for business interference and patent infringement — the Skyhook XPS WiFi and cell tower positioning system was all set to ship in the Droid X before Google got involved and Motorola dropped it from the phone. The case is still ongoing, but it just passed a major milestone last week when Google’s initial motions to dismiss and for summary judgment were denied — and lucky for us, a huge trove of documentation was unsealed by the court.

The sheer amount of information is enormous — over 750 pages across 88 documents — and it offers a look into the nitty-gritty of Google’s Android device approval process, including emails between Andy Rubin and Moto CEO Sanjay Jha. Perhaps surprisingly, it’s relatively clear from the evidence that Google is the major gatekeeper between OEMs and the market — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

How Google controls Android: digging deep into the Skyhook filings