4 Reasons Why Microsoft Should Acquire Nokia

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After years of being pummeled by Apple and Google in the mobile space, Microsoft is moving aggressively to regain its lost relevance. Mobile is a big piece of its recent blockbuster acquisition of Skype, and it will pony up millions — or even billions — to place its Windows Phone platform on Nokia handsets.

Recent rumblings have the company going even further than a mere partnership and acquiring Nokia’s handset business outright. That may seem outlandish given the price tag, which is speculated to be roughly $30 billion, and the proposition has been dismissed by some as simply a weird rumor. And jumping into the manufacturing game could alienate Windows Phone partners like HTC and Samsung, which could mean that Microsoft’s future in mobile would hinge on the move. But Windows Phone sales still appear to be sluggish, so while it would be a huge gamble for Redmond, there are several reasons that a takeover would be a great move.

Here’s why.

  • It opens the door for a Skype handset.
  • Nokia's Ovi Store is a massive channel for distributing mobile content and services.
  • Nokia still makes great hardware.
  • Microsoft has experience in manufacturing.

4 Reasons Why Microsoft Should Acquire Nokia