FCC Releases Reports on Closed Captioning of Video Programming Delivered Using Internet Protocol and Emergency Calling for Persons With Disabilities

The Federal Communications Commission has posted on its website reports presented to the FCC by the Video Programming Accessibility Advisory Committee (VPAAC) and the Emergency Access Advisory Committee (EAAC).

This first VPAAC report focuses on issues involving the transfer of closed captions provided on television programs to the online environment, including the identification of protocols, technical capabilities, and procedures needed to encode, transport, receive and render closed captioning of video programming delivered via the Internet. The VPAAC is tasked with developing recommendations on closed captioning of Internet programming previously captioned on television; the compatibility between video programming delivered using Internet protocol and devices capable of receiving and displaying captioning, video description and emergency information on video programming; the provision of video description and accessible emergency information on television programming; accessible user interfaces on video programming devices; and accessible programming guides and menus.

The EAAC conducted a national survey of persons with disabilities and senior citizens to obtain feedback on the means by which people with disabilities access 9-1-1 services, as well as the emergency access preferences of such individuals in an NG 9-1-1 environment. The EAAC Report contains an in-depth review and analysis of the survey, which covered the full range of equipment and services used for reaching 9-1-1 emergency assistance, as well as all disability populations covered by the new law. The EAAC will now use the results of the survey to develop and submit to the Commission recommendations to ensure equal access to the technologies used to access NG 9-1-1 services.

FCC Releases Reports on Closed Captioning of Video Programming Delivered Using Internet Protocol and Emergency Calling for Persons With Disabilities Closed Captioning of Video Programming Delivered Using Internet Protocol (VPAAC report) Survey Review and Analysis 2011 (EAAC report)