Advertisers Think Television Is Becoming More Effective
National advertisers believe that television advertising has become more effective, according to a new study, and many are allotting more of their media budgets to TV.
In the report from the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research, the number of national advertisers who say TV advertising has become more effective in the past two years has tripled. The said that TV advertising will account for 47% of their media budgets, a 6% increase from the 2010 study. The advertisers in the study said they were interested in data other than Nielsen when it comes to TV, with 72% expecting that the quality and accuracy of set-top-box data will improve over the next few years. Almost half of the advertisers surveyed said they are testing or planning to test advanced TV advertising, including addressable ads, in the next 12 months. They are also doing second-screen advertising, with 18% running synchronized ads on TV and online and another 31% saying they will try that strategy in 2012.
Advertisers Think Television Is Becoming More Effective