Mexican government's broadband plan targets low-income families

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The Mexican government believes that every one of its citizens should be able to get a broadband connection so it has devised a program that will enable low-income families to get computers and broadband services.

Mexico's CompuApoyo initiative is focused on also closing more of the so-called digital gap and driving more of its residents to use computers and the Internet for not just surfing but other activities including job hunting and even education. By the end of 2010, 30 percent of the country's families had an Internet connection, up from only 9 percent in 2000. The goal of CompuApoyo will be to provide 1.7 million homes with computers and Internet connections. Initially, the government will use the Infonacot credit scheme to enable low-income workers to buy computer beginning next week and an Internet service.

Mexican government's broadband plan targets low-income families