Republican urges LightSquared's approval as sides make final push

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Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-MS) urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to not block wireless startup LightSquared's planned 4G network in a filing with the agency.

"This technology is too important to the 260 million Americans looking forward to the affordable access that only LightSquared can provide, to close the door at this point, and I urge you to do everything you can to find a solution,” Rep Nunnelee wrote in a formal comment to the FCC. “LightSquared has proven that there are practical, affordable solutions to the interference issues that have been presented in the past. Now, as the GPS industry scrambles to keep LightSquared out of its own licensed spectrum, it is a huge disappointment that the FCC appears to be siding with GPS and ignoring the fact that LightSquared has invested billions of dollars and done everything asked of them up to this point to resolve interference with GPS devices," Rep Nunnelee wrote. He suggested that the FCC should find new frequencies for LightSquared to use if it cannot fix the interference problem.

Republican urges LightSquared's approval as sides make final push