BTOP Project OpenCapeNetwork is On Target for January 2013 Completion

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CapeNet has chosen Ciena Corporation and Integration Partners to provide coherent optical transport and Carrier Ethernet solutions for the 350-mile fiber optic OpenCape Network.

The network is currently being constructed in southeastern Massachusetts and on Cape Cod. Ciena’s coherent optical processing lays the foundation to increase network bandwidth from 10G to 100G and beyond. CapeNet is managing construction of the OpenCape Network, which is on target for completion by January, 2013. CapeNet will provide a portfolio of high-speed, business broadband services over the new fiber network. Funded through a Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) infrastructure grant as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act , the OpenCape Network will support regional businesses, government, education, libraries, research institutions, hospitals and public safety first responders. On Cape Cod, the network will provide high-speed broadband connectivity to approximately 70 community anchor institutions, to include 30 libraries, five colleges, 15 town network hubs, and six research institutions. Throughout its entire footprint the network offers further opportunities to hundreds of additional anchor institutions and nearly 62,000 businesses. CapeNet LLC is a joint venture between CapeNet Partners, Inc. and Lightbridge Communications.

BTOP Project OpenCapeNetwork is On Target for January 2013 Completion