Facebook Lays Out All Of Its New Targeting Techniques In One Easy-To-Read Blog Post

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In the last few months, Facebook has made significant changes to the way advertising works on its site. As some predicted, Facebook’s going public and needing to drum up more revenue has resulted in the company dipping its hands deeper into users’ data to monetize it. More than that, those hands are starting to pull in data from outside of the Facebook kingdom. Privacy engineer Joey Tyson lays out the three big “innovations” in Facebook advertising from the last few months in a Facebook blog post, and argues that the company “carefully designed our versions of the features with your privacy in mind.”

Here’s what’s changed:

  1. Advertisers aren’t just targeting ‘your type anymore.’ They’re actually targeting you.
  2. Advertisers can now target people with Facebook ads based on their Web browsing and searching outside of Facebook.
  3. Facebook is tracking what users buy in stores so it can tell advertisers that their ads work.

Facebook Lays Out All Of Its New Targeting Techniques In One Easy-To-Read Blog Post Relevant Ads That Protect Your Privacy (Facebook) Facebook Sells More Access to Members (Wall Street Journal)