Lifeline-Linkup: Much-Needed Changes to Close the Digital Divide
What is the Lifeline-Linkup Program, and why and how should it be modernized? Many Americans have never heard of the program that has brought telephone service to millions, so unfortunately don't know how antiquated this critical program is. Having to explain how something that is inherently necessary to me should be equally important to you is somewhat daunting. Daunting because it boils down to one of the core reasons that we bother with a Federal Communications Commission in the first place.
The Commission was expressly formed to regulate our communications system “as to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination … a rapid, efficient, nationwide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges…” To achieve this objective and increase access and availability of advanced telecommunications services for consumers who might not otherwise be able to obtain them, the Commission established four programs under the Universal Service Fund. One of these programs is the Low-Income program, which is comprised of Linkup support for installation and Lifeline support for monthly service costs. Currently, these programs extend only to cover telephone services, in a world that is becoming increasingly digital.
Lifeline-Linkup: Much-Needed Changes to Close the Digital Divide