Major League Baseball Cries Foul on Net Neutrality Proposal

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Major League Baseball is not wildly excited by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal to allow broadband providers to offer fast-lane Internet access to content companies.

MLB’s digital media arm told the FCC that the controversial fast-lane network neutrality proposal was a bad idea for several reasons, one being that the added costs to content companies to use those fast lanes would likely ultimately be passed along to consumers. “Fast lanes would serve only one purpose: for Broadband ISPs to receive an economic windfall,” MLB’s Advanced Media unit wrote in a filing. “American consumers would be worse off as the costs of fast lanes are passed along to them in new fees or charges where there were none, or higher fees or charges where they existed.” MLB may be the only sports league to raise objections about the proposal.

Major League Baseball Cries Foul on Net Neutrality Proposal