FCC Seeks Comment on Applications by AT&T and DirecTV to Transfer Control Of FCC Licenses and Other Authorizations

On June 11, 2014, AT&T and DirecTV jointly submitted applications to the Federal Communications Commission seeking consent to transfer control of various Commission licenses. The proposed license transfers, if completed, would effectuate the sale of all the assets of DirecTV and its subsidiaries and related entities to a subsidiary of AT&T.

The FCC seeks comment from all interested persons to assist the FCC in its independent review of the proposed transfers of licenses. Interested persons must file comments or petitions to deny AT&T’s and DirecTV’s application for licenses no later than September 16, 2014. Responses to comments or oppositions to petitions must be filed no later than October 16, 2014. Replies to responses or oppositions must be filed no later than November 5, 2014.

[MB Docket No. 14-90]

[Aug 7, 2014]

FCC Seeks Comment on Applications by AT&T and DirecTV to Transfer Control Of FCC Licenses and Other Authorizations The FCC wants to hear what you think about AT&T buying DirecTV (Washington Post) Feds Officially Kick Off Review of AT&T/DirecTV Deal (Revere Digital) FCC Launches Review of AT&T/DirecTV (B&C)