Pandora workforce is half women, but overwhelmingly white

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The workforce diversity of music streaming service Pandora is an outlier in many ways compared to other tech companies that have recently released similar data. Nearly half of the company’s global workforce are women. Almost 40 percent of its leadership roles are filled by women as well. But the data also rings familiar. The company is overwhelmingly white, even compared to many of its industry colleagues, where Asian employees are typically well-represented though other minorities are not. At Pandora, 70 percent of its US workforce is white. Almost 85 percent of its leadership positions are white as well. And in technical positions -- the coveted, high-paying jobs that have made diversity in the tech sector such a hot-button issue -- women and non-Asian minorities are both dismally represented. About 18 percent of technical positions are held by women, a number that is slightly below average among companies that have thus far released their data. Latinos held about four percent of those jobs, while blacks held less than three percent.

Pandora workforce is half women, but overwhelmingly white Pandora's staff mostly white in racially diverse Oakland (USAToday)