FCC’s Sohn: Network Neutrality Rules Unlikely By Year-End

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Appearing on the Diane Rehm show, Gigi Sohn, a top aide to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, said it is unlikely that the FCC will come up with new network neutrality rules before early 2015.

She said the FCC is working with all possible speed. She also said reports that her boss disagreed with the President's call for Title II regulations is off base and that no one should conclude from meetings with stakeholders on the issue that he is either for or against that approach. Sohn argued that comments made by Chairman Wheeler at a private meeting and reported by the Washington Post were "completely taken out of context." But she didn't dispute the idea that the FCC could go in a different direction from the President.

FCC’s Sohn: Network Neutrality Rules Unlikely By Year-End FCC denies it has diverged from Obama's web plan (The Hill)