Strategic Plan for the FCC for Fiscal Years 2015 through 2018

The Federal Communications Commission has established four strategic goals:

  1. Promoting Economic Growth and National Leadership: Promote the expansion of competitive telecommunications networks, which are a vital component of technological innovation and economic growth and help to ensure that the US remains a leader in providing its citizens opportunities for economic and educational development.
  2. Protecting Public Interest Goals: The rights of network users and the responsibilities of network providers form a bond that includes consumer protection, competition, universal service, public safety and national security. The FCC must protect and promote this Network Compact.
  3. Making Networks Work for Everyone: In addition to promoting the development of competitive networks, the FCC must also ensure that all Americans can take advantage of the services they provide without artificial impediments.
  4. Promoting Operational Excellence: Make the FCC a model for excellence in government by effectively managing the FCC’s resources and maintaining a commitment to transparent and responsive processes that encourage public involvement and best serve the public interest.

Strategic Plan for the FCC for Fiscal Years 2015 through 2018