FCC Commissioner Clyburn: I respect the role of Congress

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Commissioner Mignon Clyburn of the Federal Communications Commission previewed remarks she will make during a pair of congressional hearings during the week of March 16 where commissioners will be grilled about their newly approved network neutrality rules. The Democratic commissioner, who voted in favor of the new regulations, said she respects Congress's role in technology policy but noted the FCC is the expert agency. "I respect the role of Congress," she said. "I think that they have a duty and obligation to look from their perch as to how things are evolving in terms of the ecosystem. But we are the expert on communications and technology and the like. And I continue to believe clear rules from us and congressional guidance is the best course." "I would hope it would not be challenged, but I think my hopes would be dashed on that front," she said.

Commissioner Clyburn also addressed how the rules would affect the FCC's relationship with the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC has warned that the ruling would encroach on parts of its ability to protect online privacy. While the FTC would still have authority over Web applications, the FCC will now take on an increased privacy role dealing with Internet service providers like Comcast or Verizon, she said. "We have complimentary functions that will continue," she said. "There might be a little tug here and there, but it's a healthy tug because it is our enthusiastic willingness to make sure that consumers are protected, and we will make sure we have plugged every possible hole."

FCC Commissioner Clyburn: I respect the role of Congress