US trade groups seen leading lawsuits against new Internet rules
Apparently, trade associations representing large US Internet service providers are expected to take the lead in suing the Federal Communications Commission over its new web traffic regulations. US telecommunications and cable firms have said they would challenge the FCC's latest network neutrality rules in court. But at least some companies, including Verizon, are currently not planning to bring individual lawsuits and instead aim to participate through trade groups, the sources said. Such an approach would allow companies to streamline their litigation efforts and could help firms avoid drawing any fire individually, as Verizon did after it challenged the previous version of net neutrality rules on its own in 2010.
At least three trade groups are expected to file legal challenges: CTIA-The Wireless Association, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and the broadband association USTelecom, the sources said. The three trade groups declined comment. Other trade groups such as the American Cable Association and the National Association of Manufacturers are weighing whether to participate in litigation, representatives said.
US trade groups seen leading lawsuits against new Internet rules