Announcing the 2015 Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance

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Access recognizes the individuals and groups that have either been champions of the 13 internationally recognized principles for human rights in communications surveillance (“Heroes”), or have undermined or violated those principles (“Villains”). These principles, called the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance (or “the Principles”), have been endorsed by more than 400 civil society groups worldwide. They provide a framework for assessing whether government surveillance practices comply with international human rights obligations.

Sept 22 marks the two-year anniversary of the Principles. Our list of Heroes below represents only the tip of the iceberg of the people and organizations working to promote the Principles, and selecting an honoree for each role was difficult. Many others deserve recognition for the work that they have done over the past year, and in years prior. We’re grateful to everyone who is working to advance these Principles. As for the Villains, we call out their activities in the past year, but we hold out hope -- and offer our critique -- to help push for a more rights-respecting 2016.

Announcing the 2015 Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance