Sen Sanders Slams Set-Top Box Market

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Pay-TV set-top market critics Sens Ed Markey (D-MA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) have brought in the reinforcements, including presidential candidate Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sens Markey and Blumenthal asked for, and got, set-top box info from Comcast, DirecTV, Dish Network, Time Warner Cable, Charter Communications, AT&T U-Verse, Verizon FiOS Video, Cox Communications, Cablevision Systems and Bright House Networks, then said the results showed that there continued to be a lack of competition in the set-top market. That comes as the Federal Communications Commission works on a downloadable set-top security successor to the CableCARD after its integration ban was legislated away by Congress in the STELAR satellite reauthorization legislation.

In the letter Nov 9 to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, Sens Markey and Blumenthal were joined by five other Democratic Senators and Sen Sanders. They cited the $20 billion per year in set-top rental fees and, while they did not come out and say "all-vid," which is the proposal by computer companies for the FCC to require a universal box that weds video from various sources, they did say the time had come "for the FCC to enable millions of Americans to access an enormous amount of content in innovative, new, and less costly ways." They said they wanted an answer from the Chairman by Dec. 4 on his plans to boost set-top competition and choice.

Sen Sanders Slams Set-Top Box Market Letter To Chairman Wheeler Re: Set-Top Box Market (Letter to Chairman Wheeler)