Happy Birthday Net Neutrality! Where Do We Stand One Year Later?

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[Commentary] So here we are, a year later, and despite the clamoring of the Internet service providers that Title II would be the end of times, the Internet ecosystem is stronger than ever. The “virtuous cycle” has continued to spin. Instead of the “chilling effect” Big Telecom warned us about, Internet providers around the country have increasingly invested in more network build-out and ratcheted up speeds in many markets. Content creators are able to reach consumers over more apps and platforms than ever.

Though much work remains to be done to maintain an optimal environment for increased access and diverse voices, thanks to the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Order, the future looks very bright indeed. Of course, members of Congress who have been influenced by ISP lobbyists are still attempting tactics to destroy network neutrality, big ISPs have a lawsuit against the FCC tied up in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals--yet again, and big ISPs are also trying to undermine competition with schemes like “Stream TV.” The opponents of the Open Internet have not given up, so neither can we. We need to continue to protect what we fought so hard to win.

Happy Birthday Net Neutrality! Where Do We Stand One Year Later?