Here's How Much Sen Cruz and Gov Kasich Blew on TV and Radio Ads

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The cumulative total spent (and/or booked) by the Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) campaign and pro-Cruz PACs and advocacy groups on TV and radio was $37,733,193; the campaign itself accounts for $17,848,558 of that total. The cumulative total spent (and/or booked) by the Gov John Kasich (R-OH) campaign and pro-Kasich PACs and advocacy groups on TV and radio was $20,662,192; the campaign itself accounts for just $3,659,499 of that total.

Our tallies include advance bookings through Nov 7. So the numbers above are subject to adjustment (though probably not by much) if the Sen Cruz and Gov Kasich campaigns are having any luck recouping on cancelled advance bookings. Meanwhile, the cumulative total spent (and/or booked) by the Hillary Clinton campaign and pro-Hillary PACs and advocacy groups on TV and radio is now $152,207,056; the campaign itself accounts for $60,101,135 of that total. Meanwhile, the cumulative total spent (and/or booked) by the Donald Trump campaign and pro-Trump PACs and advocacy groups on TV and radio is now $21,201,094; the campaign itself accounts for $20,805,093 of that.

Here's How Much Sen Cruz and Gov Kasich Blew on TV and Radio Ads