FCC poised to reinforce consumer rights and protections

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[Commentary] If you are a consumer who feels like you're being taken advantage of, where do you turn for help? The Federal Communications Commission is the nation's expert agency on communications technology and has a mandate to protect consumers who rely on our nation's networks.

In recent years, the commission has moved aggressively to meet our consumer protection responsibilities, whether it's adopting net neutrality protections that preserve the right of internet users to access a fair, fast and open Internet without the fear of gatekeepers, or pushing the NFL to suspend its TV blackout policy. In the coming weeks, the commission is poised to take significant actions to further these obligations, saving consumers money and securing fundamental consumer rights for the digital age. Our core mission is two-fold: we work to promote innovation and investment in world-class networks, products and services, while preserving principles that have long defined our networks -- principles like universal access, consumer protection and public safety. I believe that policies that are pro-innovation and pro-competition are pro-consumer, which is why we work to preserve and promote competitive markets.

FCC poised to reinforce consumer rights and protections