Chairman Wheeler Floats FCC Cybersecurity Certification for IoT Devices
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler has laid out an unexpected roadmap through which the FCC could directly regulate the security of Internet-connected devices. In a letter to Sen Mark Warner (D-VA) dated Dec 2 and released by Sen Warner on Dec 5, Chairman Wheeler proposed an FCC-mandated cybersecurity certification process for “Internet of Things” devices. The proposal would also require consumer cybersecurity labels for IoT devices and associated services.
Chairman Wheeler is set to step down on Jan 20, but the new framework could be used to support legislation enhancing the FCC’s ability to regulate IoT devices. Chairman Wheeler’s letter responded to a set of questions that Sen Warner sent to the FCC four days after an Oct 21 cyberattack directed through IoT devices knocked popular websites offline for several hours. Chairman Wheeler that he shares Sen Warner’s concern “that we cannot rely solely on the market incentives of ISPs to fully address the risk of malevolent cyber activities.”
Chairman Wheeler Floats FCC Cybersecurity Certification for IoT Devices