House Commerce Committee Chairman Walden Welcomes New Republican Members To Committee

House Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) welcomed four incoming Republican members to the committee. "I am thrilled to welcome our newest members to an already stellar team at the Energy and Commerce Committee. Whether it is fixing our broken health care system or unleashing the full strength of the American economy, the committee is poised to tackle some of the most important issues facing our nation. From day one, we will work tirelessly to leverage the unique strengths of our new and returning members to ensure we continue the committee’s long record of bipartisan success,” said Chairman Walden.

The new Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, in alphabetical order, are:
Buddy Carter (R-GA)
Ryan Costello (R-PA)
Tim Walberg (R-MI)
Mimi Walters (R-CA)

House Commerce Committee Chairman Walden Welcomes New Republican Members To Committee