Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee

National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce

Friday, November 17, 2017 - 3:00pm to 6:00pm

The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary to assist in developing and maintaining spectrum management policies that enable the United States to maintain or strengthen its global leadership role in the introduction of communications technology, services, and innovation; thus expanding the economy, adding jobs, and increasing international trade, while at the same time providing for the expansion of existing technologies and supporting the country's homeland security, national defense, and other critical needs of government missions.

NTIA will post a detailed agenda on its Web site,​category/​csmac, prior to the meeting.

To the extent that the meeting time and agenda permit, any member of the public may speak to or otherwise address the Committee regarding the agenda items. See Open Meeting and Public Participation Policy, available at​category/​csmac.

Verizon Technology and Policy Center
1300 I St NW Suite 500 East
Washington , DC 20005