Universal Service Bill Moving

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A House bill (H-2533) to exempt the Universal Service Fund (USF) from Antideficiency Act rules won endorsement Friday from 44 telecom, education, health and consumer groups. The bill, introduced by Reps. Cubin (R-WY) and Gonzalez (D-TX), would make the exemption permanent. The groups wrote to Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Co-Chairman Inouye (D-Hawaii), and members Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Snowe (R-ME) lauding them for pushing Senate passage last week of a one-year ADA exemption in an amendment to the Commerce-State-Justice appropriations bill.
[SOURCE: Communications Daily]
(Not available online)
See text of letter at: http://www.neca.org/wawatch/wwpdf/092305_2.pdf