Libraries, Museums, and Public Broadcasters to Address Community Needs
The Partnership for a Nation of Learners -- a collaboration between the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) -- announced its first-ever community collaboration grants. The grants, totaling $1,447,022, will fund museums, libraries, and public broadcasters in seven communities as they work together to address specific, jointly identified community needs ranging for asthma education to historic material conservation. The Partnership for a Nation of Learners received 132 eligible applications requesting over $26 million for this $1.4 million grant program, signaling the enormous interest and need for programs of this kind. Public broadcasting, museum, and library professionals reviewed every application in this highly competitive program and made recommendations for funding. Grants were awarded to partnerships in Boston, MA; South Portland, ME; St. Johnsbury, VT; Charleston, WV; Haines, AK; Lincoln, NE; and Las Vegas, NV. The grant recipients will match the awards with an additional $1,781,763. A list of project descriptions is linked below.
[SOURCE: Corporation for Public Broadcasting press release]