Unusual Alliances Emerge In Net Neutrality Debate

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[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: Heather Greenfield]
What do Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails have in common with the Christian Coalition, Gun Owners of America and Google? They are all working in support of network neutrality. In the past, if Reznor and Christian groups were mentioned in the same sentence in Washington, the topic likely was labeling to warn parents about raunchy lyrics -- and they were on opposite sides of the issue. While all is not entirely forgiven, the battle to ensure net neutrality has created an atmosphere where the lion can lie with the lamb. "We believe this issue is so important because of free speech," Christian Coalition spokeswoman Michele Combs said. She said her group is concerned that if a cable company has a board that favors abortion rights, it could charge an anti-abortion group more to deliver its messages over that firm's broadband network. Combs said embracing unusual partners is worth it to fight for "a family issue," noting that "Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has a zero on our congressional report card, but we partnered with him on this."

Unusual Alliances Emerge In Net Neutrality Debate