Frustration Continues for Leased-Access Programmers

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The head of the Leased Access Programmers Association wrote Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to express his continuing frustration with what he said is a lack of access to cable systems, specifically via Internet delivery of Internet-protocol-TV signals. LAPA president Charlie Stogner has asked the FCC to act on a petition for relief he filed over the issue of how a signal is delivered to the cable headend. Stogner pointed out that while some cable operators, including Comcast, don't charge for Internet delivery, others do, and at least one cable operator refused to accept an Internet-delivered signal at all. Stogner is concerned that a court's stay of new FCC leased access rules put that and other complaints in limbo -- a concern that appears justified given an FCC staffer's e-mailed response to Stogner's inquiry about the status of the petition: "Leased-access petitions have no formal start date since the time clock has been stayed."

Frustration Continues for Leased-Access Programmers