
Former FCC Chairman Wheeler Challenges Chairman Pai to Push for a House Net Neutrality Vote

Former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler has challenged current Chairman Ajit Pai to push for a House vote on the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to nullify Pai's Restoring Internet Freedom order rolling back network neutrality rules.

Senate Appropriations Committee Passes Ban on ZTE Tech Funding

Even as the Commerce Department was confirming a deal to remove an export ban affecting ZTE, Congress was moving to prevent government money to be used to buy ZTE equipment.

NPR: US Should Divide (C-Band) to Conquer 5G

National Public Radio is waving a caution flag as the Trump Administration pushes to open up the C-band (3.7-4.2 GHz.) for broadband, echoing comments by the National Association of Broadcasters.  Its advice is to divide if it wants to conquer in the race to 5G. NPR has told the Federal Communications Comission it should reserve some C-band spectrum for wireless broadband, but should reserve the remainder for exclusive use by incumbents, like NPR's fixed satellite delivery of its programming.

NCTA, Google Team Up on 3.5 GHz Compromise

NCTA - The Internet & Television Association, Google, and a veritable host of others have gotten together on a compromise proposal for sharing the 3.5 GHz band, a proposal that includes a mix of large and small license areas.