Corporation for Public Broadcasting

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Joins Public Media Partner PBS in Celebrating 50 Years of Service to the American People

PBS, the nonprofit member organization and public media program distributor, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. PBS, with 330 member stations serving all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa, provides more than 1,200 hours a year of children's, primetime, educational, and cultural programming.

Statement from CPB on the President’s FY 2021 Budget Proposal Eliminating Funding for Public Media

We look forward to working with Congress in the continued pursuit of our statutory public service mission of supporting educational, informational and diverse content that addresses the needs of our nation’s citizens -- a mission the American people overwhelmingly trust in and support. The federal appropriation to CPB is the foundation of our uniquely American, public-private partnership that supports our nation’s public media system --  a system of more than 1,500 locally controlled and operated public television and radio stations across the country.

Senate Confirms Two Nominees to the CPB Board of Directors

The Senate has confirmed the nominations of Rubydee Calvert and Laura Gore Ross to the board of directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Calvert worked at Wyoming PBS from its inception in 1983. She served as general manager of the station until her retirement in 2015 and as president of the Wyoming PBS Foundation from 2006-2016. Prior to becoming general manager, she was the director of programming for 24 years, leading the production team to produce the station’s signature series MainStreet, Wyoming.