Martin Seeks To Boost Cable Regulation
[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: Drew Clark]
December 7, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
Reception follows.
The Honorable John Sununu, U.S. Senate
Ray Gifford, Adam Peters and Richard Riordan
Co-Chairs, Universal Service Working Group
[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: Drew Clark]
[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: PJ Bednarski, John M. Higgins and Mike Grebb]
[SOURCE: USAToday, AUTHOR: Paul Davidson and Laura Petrecca]
[SOURCE: Consumers Union]
[SOURCE: USAToday, AUTHOR: David Lieberman]
With network TV moving towards, video on demand (VOD), ten years from now, who'll pay for new network TV shows? And how will potential viewers discover that they exist? By 2010, viewers in 76.4 million homes (up from 12.5 million this year) will be able to watch shows when they want and zip through ads, Morgan Stanley projects -- due to aggressive promotion by cable, satellite and electronics companies of digital video recorders (DVRs) and other devices. The growth of VOD could threaten the building blocks of the TV business.
[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: Ben Grossman]
[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
[SOURCE: Financial Times, AUTHOR: James Politi and Aline van Duyn]
[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Shawn Young & Amy Schatz]
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