November 2005

New Beginning for Newspapers?

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Joseph T. Hallinan and Joe Hagan]

The News Hounds

[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Frank Ahrens]

Big Media a Tough Sell to Jittery Investors

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Geraldine Fabrikant and Richard Siklos]

McCain Advances 2008 Analog Cutoff

During a debate on the Senate floor on the budget bill, Sen John McCain (R-AZ) offered an amendment designed to end analog television April 7, 2008, one year sooner than the cutoff date approved by the Senate Commerce Committee two weeks ago. Sen McCain wants to speed delivery of broadcast spectrum to emergency officials. In his floor comments, Sen McCain lashed out at the National Association of Broadcasters, saying that he was “sick and tired” that the trade group continued to put the interests of “television viewers” ahead of the lives of first responders. The Senate will vote on the amendment today or tomorrow.
(requires subscription)

Music Promoter to Abandon a Radio Policy He Developed

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Jeff Leeds]

Senate Panel OKs Rollback Of FCC's E-911 Regulations

[SOURCE: National Journal's Insider Update, AUTHOR: Drew Clark]

Cable Companies, Sprint Nextel in Wireless Pact

[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: Justin Hyde and Kenneth Li]

If you Believe in Broadband, free IPTV

[SOURCE: C-Net|, AUTHOR: Bruce Mehlman and Larry Irving, Internet Innovation Alliance]

Telco Video Is Cable, Says NCTA

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]

FCC Gets It (Mostly) Right

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]