May 2008

Dumber demographic rules TV, DC

[Commentary] The Presidential race's preoccupation with demographic-based voting has made the similarity between Hollywood and Washington (DC) even more striking. That's because the debate surrounding Barack Obama's campaign needing to dumb down the message and messenger to appease the masses has a longstanding precedent in television. In both spheres, well-educated millionaires agonize over how to engage Joe Six-Pack, as voters increasingly split along clear demographic -- as opposed to geographic -- lines: The young, college educated and African-Americans lining up behind Obama, while older, blue-collar and white voters have preferred Hillary Clinton. Only in showbiz and politics, however, is "smart" a perceived insult. As the Democratic primaries slog onward, Harvard law alum Obama has been pilloried for elitism. While his oratorical eloquence has drawn comparisons to the bygone days of Robert Kennedy, opponents hammer at perceptions that he alienates key voting blocs. On CNN, Democratic strategist Paul Begala disparagingly described Obama's coalition as "eggheads and African-Americans."

Clear Channel Suitors, Banks Reach a Deal

Clear Channel's suitors and the banks financing the privatization of the radio and outdoor-advertising company reached an agreement late Tuesday, allowing the troubled deal to go forward 18 months after it was originally struck. The new price will be $36 per share, or roughly $18 billion, instead of the $39.20 per share, or $19.4 billion, approved by shareholders this past September. Bain Capital Partners and Thomas H. Lee Partners agreed to pay a slightly higher interest rate on the bank-debt portion of the financing. And the banks -- Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Royal Bank of Scotland and Wachovia -- still could suffer some losses on the loans they had agreed to underwrite. Shareholders still have the option to roll their shares into an up to 30% stake in a privately held Clear Channel.
(requires subscription)

Consumers ditching land-line phones

Traditional land-line phones, once the bedrock of communications in the USA, are quickly going the way of eight-track tapes as consumers go wireless or choose Internet-based phone calling. According to a report due to be released today by the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly one out of every six homes in the USA — 15.8% — had only wireless telephones during the second half of 2007, up from 6.1% during the same period in 2004. For big carriers such as AT&T and Verizon, America's love fest with wireless is having a dramatic impact on what was once a core business. In New York state, land lines have plummeted 55% since 2000, according to a new report by Sanford C. Bernstein. New Jersey isn't far behind, with a 50% drop-off. States with the fewest land-line losses include Connecticut with 10%, Texas, 20%, and California, 21%. Even so, it won't take long for the other 49 states to catch up to or surpass New York, predicts analyst Craig Moffett, author of the report. "This is a business that is not showing any signs of recovery," he says. The trend is strongest among young adults: 34.5% of people 25-29 years old lived in households with only wireless phones. For those 30-44, the rate drops to 15.5%. It's 2.2% for those 65 and over. The rise of cable telephony is another factor. Big cable TV operators such as Time Warner and Comcast have lured away millions of phone customers with cheap, or even free, VoIP services — short for Voice over Internet Protocol. The report from the National Center for Health Statistics — part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — also found that one out of every eight homes, 13.1%, received all or almost all calls on wireless phones even though there was a land line in the home. If the trends continue, the group said, public opinion surveys on health and other matters conducted only on land-line phones could produce distorted results.

Circuit City wants out of digital TV fines

The Federal Communications Commission last month fined Circuit City, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Best Buy Co., and other retailers a combined $3.9 million for failing to properly label that analog-only televisions will need to be retrofitted after the switch to digital TV. But Circuit City said on Tuesday that the FCC should drop those fines because the FCC lacks jurisdiction to enforce the rule to keep consumers from buying TV equipment that won't work without a converter box after the digital switch by Feb. 17, 2009. Circuit City also said public comment was never heard on the FCC regulation that requires retailers to display or affix "consumer alert" labels to analog-only TV equipment -- including TVs, DVDs, videocassette recorders and digital video recorders -- that says it will not receive signals after the nationwide digital transition without a special converter box. The company said that it tried to comply with the rule and its questioned actions were never "willful or repeated.",0,70...

Benton's Communications-related Headlines For Wednesday May 14, 2008

Do you recommend Headlines to colleagues? Now you=20
can do it for everyone with our new rating=20
service. Just visit your favorite stories at

FCC Meeting on D Block Spectrum Auction Today
Senate to Schedule Media Ownership Vote Soon

Pentagon Media Pundits Appeared 4,500 times since Jan 1, 2002

Who Will Tell Us?
Dumber demographic rules TV, DC
Limbaugh Wins As Election=92s Biggest Manipulator
McAuliffe says media =91in the tank=92 for Obama

Two Telecom Bills Form a United Front Against Discrimination
Broadband: other countries do it better, but how?
Broadband to the Home: Broadband to America
Europe on the way to a high speed Internet economy
Vint Cerf supports municipal broadband networks
EarthLink closing Philadelphia Wi-Fi network
Charter to Share Broadband Customers' Web Histories with Ad Networks

Clear Channel Suitors, Banks Reach a Deal
Diller, Malone Settle Differences

Consumers ditching land-line phones
Mobile phones more important than wallets: survey

Circuit City wants out of digital TV fines


[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
The Federal Communications Commission will NOT=20
consider an Order addressing Promotion of=20
Spectrum Efficient Technologies at today's public=20
meeting. The item has already been adopted by the=20
FCC. That means today's meeting will focus solely=20
on rules for re-auctioning "D Block" 700 MHz band spectrum.

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Look for the Senate within the next two or three=20
weeks to vote on a resolution to invalidate the=20
Federal Communications Commission's=20
newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership rule change.=20
Apparently the resolution will be taken up under=20
expedited rules, which means that all it needs is=20
51 votes, not the 60 that would make it filibuster-proof.


[SOURCE: Media Matters for America, AUTHOR: ]
A New York Times article detailed the connection=20
between numerous media military analysts and the=20
Pentagon and defense industries, reporting that=20
"the Bush administration has used its control=20
over access and information in an effort to=20
transform" media military analysts "into a kind=20
of media Trojan horse -- an instrument intended=20
to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major=20
TV and radio networks." A Media Matters review=20
found that since January 1, 2002, the analysts=20
named in the Times article -- many identified as=20
having ties to the defense industry --=20
collectively appeared or were quoted as experts=20
more than 4,500 times on ABC, ABC News Now, CBS,=20
CBS Radio Network, NBC, CNN, CNN Headline News,=20
Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, and NPR.


[SOURCE: Columbia Journalism Review, AUTHOR: Editorial staff]
[Commentary] The steady drip of buyouts and=20
layoffs has consumed an estimated four thousand=20
newsroom jobs in print alone since the turn of=20
the century, according to the much-chewed-over=20
annual State of the News Media report released in=20
March by the Project for Excellence in=20
Journalism. As to whether the Web is replenishing=20
this reportorial firepower, the authors are=20
blunt: =93In print, broadcast and elsewhere, more=20
effort is moving to packaging and repurposing=20
material=85.But less is being devoted to original=20
newsgathering, especially the bearing witness and=20
monitoring of basic news.=94 The current=20
presidential election is arguably the most=20
important in recent history, given the magnitude=20
of the problems the winner will confront on day=20
one=97yet fewer seasoned reporters are questioning=20
both candidates and voters; fewer journalists are=20
out bearing witness. Meanwhile, the ever-growing=20
armies of pundits deployed by cable outlets on=20
Big Nights=97the debates, Super Tuesday,=20
etc.=97yammer on about What It All Means, though=20
nary a one goes out knocking on the doors of the folks who might tell them.
* Like NBC colleagues Matthews and Russert, David=20
Gregory suggested media can't adequately cover both Dem primary and McCain
On MSNBC's Race for the White House, host David=20
Gregory, like NBC colleagues Tim Russert and=20
Chris Matthews, suggested that it is not possible=20
for the media to adequately cover both the=20
Democratic primary race and Sen. John McCain.=20
Gregory stated, "John McCain has not gotten a lot=20
of scrutiny right now because we've had an=20
historic Democratic race to contend with, but=20
does that necessarily hold up as we go along?"

[SOURCE: Variety, AUTHOR: Brian Lowry]
[Commentary] The Presidential race's=20
preoccupation with demographic-based voting has=20
made the similarity between Hollywood and=20
Washington (DC) even more striking. That's=20
because the debate surrounding Barack Obama's=20
campaign needing to dumb down the message and=20
messenger to appease the masses has a=20
longstanding precedent in television. In both=20
spheres, well-educated millionaires agonize over=20
how to engage Joe Six-Pack, as voters=20
increasingly split along clear demographic -- as=20
opposed to geographic -- lines: The young,=20
college educated and African-Americans lining up=20
behind Obama, while older, blue-collar and white=20
voters have preferred Hillary Clinton. Only in=20
showbiz and politics, however, is "smart" a=20
perceived insult. As the Democratic primaries=20
slog onward, Harvard law alum Obama has been=20
pilloried for elitism. While his oratorical=20
eloquence has drawn comparisons to the bygone=20
days of Robert Kennedy, opponents hammer at=20
perceptions that he alienates key voting blocs.=20
On CNN, Democratic strategist Paul Begala=20
disparagingly described Obama's coalition as "eggheads and African-American=

[SOURCE: Media Is Plural, AUTHOR: Rory O'Connor]
[Commentary] With Democratic enthusiasm waxing,=20
Republican energy waning, and more than four out=20
of five voters convinced the country is now on=20
the wrong track, one would think hard-right wing=20
talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh would be=20
near-suicidal. But no! As it stands, Limbaugh =AD=20
now in his twentieth year as the universally=20
acknowledged =93Grand Poobah=94 of talk radio, with=20
an estimated weekly audience of about 13.5=20
million listeners =97 looks to be the biggest=20
winner thus far in the ongoing Presidential=20
primary sweepstakes. From attacking Republican=20
frontrunner John McCain early in the process to=20
=91dreaming=92 of =AD and some say illegally calling=20
for =97 riots at August=92s Democratic National=20
Convention in Denver, all the way to more recent=20
efforts such as =93Operation Chaos,=94 aimed at=20
inserting himself and his followers into the=20
Democratic primaries in an attempt to weaken=20
Barack Obama by supporting Hillary Clinton, the=20
so-called =93Limbaugh effect=94 has garnered=20
excessive attention from the =91drive-by=92=20
mainstream media that Limbaugh purports to hate=20
but actually depends on and manipulates adroitly.=20
Although the real-world effect of =93Operation=20
Chaos=94 is doubtful =AD at least in terms of=20
influencing the Democratic primaries =AD it has=20
clearly been wildly successful in its real=20
mission of promoting Limbaugh and his nationally syndicated radio program.

[SOURCE: The Hill, AUTHOR: Klaus Marre]
Terry McAuliffe, campaign chairman for Sen.=20
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), said Tuesday that=20
the former first lady is hamstrung by a biased=20
media. McAuliffe added that =93every independent=20
study has said that this is the most biased=20
coverage they've ever seen in a presidential=20
campaign.=94 He also praised Fox News, which is=20
often viewed as a conservative media outlet, as=20
=93one of the most responsible in this presidential campaign.=94


[SOURCE: Public Knowledge, AUTHOR: Art Brodsky]
[Commentary] House Judiciary Committee Chairman=20
John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Internet stalwart=20
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) have introduced the=20
Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of=20
2008 (HR 5994). This bill provides a nice=20
complement to the Internet Freedom Preservation=20
Act of 2008 (HR 5353), introduced by House=20
Telecom Subcommittee Chairman Ed Markey (D-MA)=20
and Rep. Chip Pickering (R-MS). As so often=20
happens in Congress, legislation tends to track=20
jurisdiction. In real terms, a member of the=20
House Judiciary Committee, looking at a telecom=20
issue, will introduce a bill over which that=20
committee has jurisdiction. The Conyers-Lofgren=20
bill would subject Net Neutrality violations to=20
the possibility of an antitrust suit =AD a subject=20
area over which the Judiciary Committee has=20
jurisdiction. The Markey bill, by contrast, takes=20
its authority from the Communications Act, which=20
happens to be under the jurisdiction of the=20
Energy and Commerce Committee. Markey=92s bill add=20
to the catch-all Title I of the Communications=20
Act the principles of the Federal Communications=20
Commission=92s policy statement on the Internet,=20
and non-discrimination language of the Act=20
designed to apply to the telephone network as it=20
was before the Commission decided that high-speed=20
Internet services didn't have the =93burden=94 of=20
carrying everyone=92s traffic without interference,=20
that is, as =93common carriers.=94 These two bills=20
are not mutually exclusive. The Communications=20
Act has existed since 1934 governing how the=20
telecom markets in this country would function,=20
for better or worse. For years, the FCC regulated=20
the telephone industry, overseeing rates and=20
subsidies, equipment and related issues. It was=20
under the antitrust laws that the old Bell System=20
was broken up into what were in 1984 seven=20
Regional Bell companies and the long-distance=20
AT&T. It was also under the auspices of the=20
antitrust laws, thanks to Clinton Administration=20
appointee Joel Klein, that the Bell System began=20
to put itself back together when the Justice=20
Department allowed Bell Atlantic to merge with Nynex in 1997.

[SOURCE: ars technica, AUTHOR: Nate Anderson]
[Commentary] One of the ironies of the current=20
broadband situation in the US is that staunch=20
free marketeers defend the status quo even though=20
the result of their views has been duopoly and=20
high prices. Meanwhile, other countries=20
(including those with a reputation in some=20
quarters for "socialism") have taken aggressive=20
steps to create a robust, competitive,=20
consumer-friendly marketplace with the help of=20
regulation and national investment. Critics, it's=20
time to stop the quibbling: the data collection=20
practices that show the US dropping=20
year-over-year in all sorts of broadband metrics=20
from uptake to price per megabit might not prove=20
solid enough to trust with your life, but we're=20
out of good reasons to doubt their general meaning.

[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission,=20
AUTHOR: FCC Commissioner Deborah Tate]
In a speech to the Broadband Properties Summit=20
last month, Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate=20
said, "I have been a strong proponent of a light=20
regulatory touch for broadband service provided=20
over cable systems, telephone lines, power lines,=20
and wireless platforms. This helps ensure what=20
we refer to as a level playing field - or=20
equality of regulation - among competing=20
providers, no matter the technology or business=20
model. Such a light-touch approach also is=20
consistent with my regulatory philosophy, which=20
is simple, straightforward, and built on a long=20
tradition of limited but effective=20
government. It calls for, first and foremost,=20
regulatory humility. I look to and especially=20
encourage the industry to put forward creative,=20
market-based solutions whenever possible. I=20
recognize that most of the consumer benefits we=20
see in the communications sector of the U.S.=20
economy are directly related to the significant=20
levels of competition in this sector, driven by=20
deregulatory policies that have encouraged=20
investment and thus fostered that competition. Of=20
course, I also understand the need for regulation=20
to promote well-specified social goals that=20
otherwise might not be addressed, such as=20
E911. More specifically, I understand the need=20
for regulation if and when there is a clear=20
market failure. Such market failure is probably=20
less common in communications markets as compared=20
to other sectors, but we should not assume that it does not exist."

[SOURCE: eGov monitor, AUTHOR: EU Commissioner=20
for Information Society & Media Viviane Reding]
40% of Europeans do not use the Internet and are=20
not benefiting from the socio-economic=20
opportunities offered by the Internet revolution.=20
This we must correct and do so soon said=20
Commissioner Reading in a recent speech.

[SOURCE: IDG News Service, AUTHOR: Nancy Gohring]
Municipal broadband networks could help boost the=20
availability of high-speed Internet access and=20
even help to ensure Net neutrality in the U.S.,=20
said Vint Cerf, vice president and chief Internet=20
evangelist at Google. Cerf, known as one of the=20
fathers of the Internet for his role in creating=20
its basic architecture, spoke at a lunch in=20
Seattle, a city that is investigating the=20
possibility of building its own broadband=20
network. Seattle would follow its southern=20
neighbor Tacoma, which has been operating its own=20
fiber network for several years. Cerf disputed=20
arguments that operators sometimes give for why=20
they should be able to limit or block=20
bandwidth-hungry applications on their networks,=20
and suggested that since they don't have=20
technology facts to back up their arguments,=20
people should be able to build their own networks to meet their needs.

[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: ]
A few weeks after announcing it will shut down=20
its municipal wireless network in New Orleans,=20
EarthLink said Tuesday that it has notified its=20
Wi-Fi customers in Philadelphia that it is=20
terminating that network, too. The company said=20
it is providing customers in the area with=20
service through a 30-day transition period that=20
ends June 12. It is getting in touch with these=20
customers to give them information about the=20
termination and help move them to other EarthLink=20
Internet services. EarthLink said the decision to=20
shut the Philadelphia network followed months of=20
negotiations with the city and a nonprofit=20
organization, under which EarthLink had offered=20
to transfer the network to the city or=20
organization for free. The company had also=20
offered to pay an unspecified amount of cash and=20
donate new Wi-Fi equipment. EarthLink also said=20
it filed a proceeding in federal court Tuesday=20
seeking a declaration that it can remove its=20
equipment from Philadelphia street lights and=20
that its total liability may not total more than $1 million.
* EarthLink ditches Philly Wi-Fi network
* EarthLink to remove Philadelphia Wi-Fi

[SOURCE: Wired, AUTHOR: Ryan Singel]
Charter Communications, one of the nation's=20
largest ISPs, plans to track the web surfing=20
habits of its customers in order to help=20
third-party net advertising networks tailor ads=20
to its subscribers in a pilot program set to=20
begin in a month. In letters being sent to some=20
of its 2.7 million high speed Internet customers,=20
Charter is billing its new web tracking program=20
as an 'enhancement' for customers' web surfing=20
experience. The company is aware of the privacy=20
and transparency concerns, but believes the=20
program will benefit its customers and its own bottom line.


[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Peter Lattman, Sarah McBride]
Clear Channel's suitors and the banks financing=20
the privatization of the radio and=20
outdoor-advertising company reached an agreement=20
late Tuesday, allowing the troubled deal to go=20
forward 18 months after it was originally struck.=20
The new price will be $36 per share, or roughly=20
$18 billion, instead of the $39.20 per share, or=20
$19.4 billion, approved by shareholders this past=20
September. Bain Capital Partners and Thomas H.=20
Lee Partners agreed to pay a slightly higher=20
interest rate on the bank-debt portion of the=20
financing. And the banks -- Citigroup, Deutsche=20
Bank, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Royal Bank=20
of Scotland and Wachovia -- still could suffer=20
some losses on the loans they had agreed to=20
underwrite. Shareholders still have the option to=20
roll their shares into an up to 30% stake in a privately held Clear Channel.
(requires subscription)
* Clear Channel reaches buyout deal with equity=20
firms and banks (Associated Press),0,4...

[SOURCE: Multichannel News, AUTHOR: Mike Farrell]
Liberty Media and IAC InteractiveCorp have buried=20
the hatchet, with Liberty agreeing to drop its=20
appeal of a Delaware Chancery Court decision and=20
agreeing to support the split of IAC into five=20
separate companies. Both companies agreed on a=20
number of arrangements regarding the governance=20
of the spun off companies, including Liberty's=20
right to board representation on each company and=20
a standstill agreement that limits Liberty's=20
ability to increase its ownership stakes and to=20
take a variety of other actions with respect to the spun off companies.
* Liberty Media Ends Its Opposition to IAC Spinoffs


[SOURCE: USAToday, AUTHOR: Leslie Cauley]
Traditional land-line phones, once the bedrock of=20
communications in the USA, are quickly going the=20
way of eight-track tapes as consumers go wireless=20
or choose Internet-based phone calling. According=20
to a report due to be released today by the=20
National Center for Health Statistics, nearly one=20
out of every six homes in the USA =97 15.8% =97 had=20
only wireless telephones during the second half=20
of 2007, up from 6.1% during the same period in=20
2004. For big carriers such as AT&T and Verizon,=20
America's love fest with wireless is having a=20
dramatic impact on what was once a core business.=20
In New York state, land lines have plummeted 55%=20
since 2000, according to a new report by Sanford=20
C. Bernstein. New Jersey isn't far behind, with a=20
50% drop-off. States with the fewest land-line=20
losses include Connecticut with 10%, Texas, 20%,=20
and California, 21%. Even so, it won't take long=20
for the other 49 states to catch up to or surpass=20
New York, predicts analyst Craig Moffett, author=20
of the report. "This is a business that is not=20
showing any signs of recovery," he says. The=20
trend is strongest among young adults: 34.5% of=20
people 25-29 years old lived in households with=20
only wireless phones. For those 30-44, the rate=20
drops to 15.5%. It's 2.2% for those 65 and over.=20
The rise of cable telephony is another factor.=20
Big cable TV operators such as Time Warner and=20
Comcast have lured away millions of phone=20
customers with cheap, or even free, VoIP services=20
=97 short for Voice over Internet Protocol. The=20
report from the National Center for Health=20
Statistics =97 part of the Centers for Disease=20
Control and Prevention =97 also found that one out=20
of every eight homes, 13.1%, received all or=20
almost all calls on wireless phones even though=20
there was a land line in the home. If the trends=20
continue, the group said, public opinion surveys=20
on health and other matters conducted only on=20
land-line phones could produce distorted results.

[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: Wojtek Dabrowski]
More than one-third of workers would choose their=20
mobile phone over their wallet, keys, laptop or=20
digital music player if they had to leave the=20
house for 24 hours and could take only one item, a new survey has found.
* Study: 'Hyperconnected' users growing


[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: ]
The Federal Communications Commission last month=20
fined Circuit City, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Best=20
Buy Co., and other retailers a combined $3.9=20
million for failing to properly label that=20
analog-only televisions will need to be=20
retrofitted after the switch to digital TV. But=20
Circuit City said on Tuesday that the FCC should=20
drop those fines because the FCC lacks=20
jurisdiction to enforce the rule to keep=20
consumers from buying TV equipment that won't=20
work without a converter box after the digital=20
switch by Feb. 17, 2009. Circuit City also said=20
public comment was never heard on the FCC=20
regulation that requires retailers to display or=20
affix "consumer alert" labels to analog-only TV=20
equipment -- including TVs, DVDs, videocassette=20
recorders and digital video recorders -- that=20
says it will not receive signals after the=20
nationwide digital transition without a special=20
converter box. The company said that it tried to=20
comply with the rule and its questioned actions=20
were never "willful or repeated.",0,70...
Communications-related Headlines is a free online=20
news summary service provided by the Benton=20
Foundation ( Posted Monday=20
through Friday, this service provides updates on=20
important industry developments, policy issues,=20
and other related news events. While the=20
summaries are factually accurate, their often=20
informal tone does not always represent the tone=20
of the original articles. Headlines are compiled=20
by Kevin Taglang headlines( at ) -- we welcome your comments.

FCC Meeting on D Block Spectrum Auction Today

The Federal Communications Commission will NOT consider an Order addressing Promotion of The Federal Communications Commission will NOT consider an Order addressing Promotion of Spectrum Efficient Technologies at Wednesday's public meeting. The item has already been adopted by the FCC. That means the meeting will focus solely on rules for re-auctioning "D Block" 700 MHz band spectrum.

Senate to Schedule Media Ownership Vote Soon

Look for the Senate within the next two or three weeks to vote on a resolution to invalidate the Federal Communications Commission's newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership rule change. Apparently the resolution will be taken up under expedited rules, which means that all it needs is 51 votes, not the 60 that would make it filibuster-proof.

Pentagon Media Pundits Appeared 4,500 times since Jan 1, 2002

A New York Times article detailed the connection between numerous media military analysts and the Pentagon and defense industries, reporting that "the Bush administration has used its control over access and information in an effort to transform" media military analysts "into a kind of media Trojan horse -- an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks." A Media Matters review found that since January 1, 2002, the analysts named in the Times article -- many identified as having ties to the defense industry -- collectively appeared or were quoted as experts more than 4,500 times on ABC, ABC News Now, CBS, CBS Radio Network, NBC, CNN, CNN Headline News, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, and NPR.

Who Will Tell Us?

[Commentary] The steady drip of buyouts and layoffs has consumed an estimated four thousand newsroom jobs in print alone since the turn of the century, according to the much-chewed-over annual State of the News Media report released in March by the Project for Excellence in Journalism. As to whether the Web is replenishing this reportorial firepower, the authors are blunt: “In print, broadcast and elsewhere, more effort is moving to packaging and repurposing material….But less is being devoted to original newsgathering, especially the bearing witness and monitoring of basic news.” The current presidential election is arguably the most important in recent history, given the magnitude of the problems the winner will confront on day one—yet fewer seasoned reporters are questioning both candidates and voters; fewer journalists are out bearing witness. Meanwhile, the ever-growing armies of pundits deployed by cable outlets on Big Nights—the debates, Super Tuesday, etc.—yammer on about What It All Means, though nary a one goes out knocking on the doors of the folks who might tell them.

Limbaugh Wins As Election’s Biggest Manipulator

[Commentary] With Democratic enthusiasm waxing, Republican energy waning, and more than four out of five voters convinced the country is now on the wrong track, one would think hard-right wing talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh would be near-suicidal. But no! As it stands, Limbaugh – now in his twentieth year as the universally acknowledged “Grand Poobah” of talk radio, with an estimated weekly audience of about 13.5 million listeners — looks to be the biggest winner thus far in the ongoing Presidential primary sweepstakes. From attacking Republican frontrunner John McCain early in the process to ‘dreaming’ of – and some say illegally calling for — riots at August’s Democratic National Convention in Denver, all the way to more recent efforts such as “Operation Chaos,” aimed at inserting himself and his followers into the Democratic primaries in an attempt to weaken Barack Obama by supporting Hillary Clinton, the so-called “Limbaugh effect” has garnered excessive attention from the ‘drive-by’ mainstream media that Limbaugh purports to hate but actually depends on and manipulates adroitly. Although the real-world effect of “Operation Chaos” is doubtful – at least in terms of influencing the Democratic primaries – it has clearly been wildly successful in its real mission of promoting Limbaugh and his nationally syndicated radio program.