September 2008

Why DC Lobbyists Fear 'White Spaces'

[Commentary] What if I told you we could use empty TV channels to connect millions of people to the Internet? The technology exists to do just that. But a powerful corporate lobby is standing in the way with a multimillion-dollar misinformation campaign aimed at Congress and the Federal Communications Commission. This month and next Washington will face a critical choice: Use new technology to open the Internet for everyone, or side with the lobbyists and prevent millions from getting connected. This latest front in the battle over the future of the Internet is about "white spaces" -- empty frequencies between TV channels on the public airwaves. Unless we urge Congress and the FCC to push back against industry and open up white spaces, Washington could side with the lobbyists and deny us one of our last, best opportunities to build a better Internet. It's a familiar story. Big media companies use any means possible to squash new ideas that threaten their control over information. It's time we changed that status quo and opened up white spaces for everyone.

Wireless carriers trying to block free broadband

Mobile telephone service providers are trying to block a plan to create a free, nationwide wireless broadband network by insisting on protections from interference that would make it impossible to deliver wireless broadband, according to the company proposing the network. Mobile carriers, led by T-Mobile, are insisting on interference protections for their existing spectrum that goes beyond any current protections and would disqualify several widely used products that currently emit low levels of energy in the radio spectrum, including microwave ovens and Wi-Fi equipment, said officials with M2Z Networks, a startup that proposed building a free wireless network on unused spectrum. The two sides are now arguing about the interference questions before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, which has released its own proposal to auction spectrum for a free, nationwide network. Mobile carriers don't want a free broadband network that would compete with their own services, John Muleta, M2Z's CEO, said at a Monday press briefing previewing an M2Z filing to the FCC.

Interference Queries Unanswered In FCC's Free Net Proposal

Paper has been flying at the Federal Communications Commission since its technicians traveled to Seattle three weeks ago to determine whether wireless Internet activity on an unused block of airwaves would cause interference in an adjacent swath owned primarily by T-Mobile USA. The problem is that the FCC hasn't weighed in on the results, leaving parties on both sides scrambling to offer competing interpretations. T-Mobile, a unit of Deutsche Telekom, says wireless Internet activity on the now-fallow channels would cripple its own wireless network, causing dropped calls and wide coverage holes for subscribers in densely populated areas. M2Z Networks Inc., a startup that wants to use the airwaves for nationwide free Internet service, says that with reasonable standards, interference on T- Mobile's network would be so minimal it wouldn't be noticed.

Open-access proponents point fingers

The open-access policy debate, which raged last year and then curiously subsided after Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin said the agency should not force wireless networks to give unfettered access to third-party devices and applications, is once again alive. The issue appears to have been re-energized by a confluence of forces, though there is little indication the cellphone industry -- whose largest players have vowed to loosen their iron-clad grip on networks -- is losing any ground in its campaign to fend off a wholesale open-access mandate.

Lawmakers question FCC Chairman Martin on Public Safety Spectrum Auction

Reps John Dingell (D-MI), Ed Markey (D-MA) and Jane Harman (D-CA) have written Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin about the D-block/700 MHz spectrum auction. The lawmakers are concerned that 1) the public has too little to review and comment on proposed rules for the auction and 2) the proposed rules lean toward a national license instead of regional ones.

Google, Internet Users Push Back Against U.S. Copyright Treaty

Internet companies led by Google Inc. joined groups representing Web users in challenging the Bush administration's bid to toughen international enforcement against copyright pirates. Testifying before Commerce Department in Washington today, Google urged the U.S. to exclude from a proposed treaty provisions on the sale of copyrighted movies and music on the Internet. The administration is negotiating the treaty with the European Union, Japan and other nations. The companies said the U.S. courts and Congress are still working out the correct balance between protecting copyrights and the free exchange of information on the Web and a treaty could be counterproductive. They also said their views deserve equal consideration with those of the movie and recording industries.

FCC No Longer Inquiring About Interactive TV

The Federal Communications Commission has formally terminated a Notice of Inquiry that sought comment and information about the emerging interactive television (ITV) market amid fears that the cable industry might somehow discriminate against competing applications. The FCC inquiry was triggered in 2001 following the merger of AOL and Time Warner and the subsequent launch of AOLTV, a service that delivered interactive applications via a proprietary set-top box with special software and Internet connectivity. AOLTV, for those who still remember it, didn't last long. America Online killed it in 2003 after it struggled to gain consumer acceptance. The FCC never sought an official ITV rulemaking, but the inquiry did embark on a fact-finding mission to discover who was providing ITV services, how they are being delivered, what business models might govern ITV services, and the general status of the ITV services market. Their conclusion: There's nothing much there to fuss over, at least not yet.

Internet callers may see price hike

Phone customers who make calls through the Internet in Kansas may see higher bills come January. On Monday, the Kansas Corporation Commission issued an order requiring voice-over-Internet-protocol services -- also known as VoIP -- to kick into a state fund that assures phone service is available to everyone, especially hard-to-serve rural areas. Customers of regular phone companies have paid the Kansas universal service charge for years, but Internet phone providers haven't until now. The commission order requires VoIP companies to pay 4.65 percent of their Kansas revenue to the fund --the same as traditional phone companies pay. The VoIP companies can absorb the cost or pass it on to customers in a bill charge, said commission spokeswoman Rosemary Foreman. Because VoIP companies operate outside state regulation, no one knows how many Kansas customers they have, said Sandy Reams, managing auditor for the commission. She estimated that VoIP companies make about $35 million a year in Kansas. She estimated their universal service payments will be about $1.6 million.

Confirmed: The blogosphere is mainstream

With nearly 1,000,000 posts a day, the blogosphere is overflowing with content and now fully established as a mainstream rather than fringe phenomenon. Traditional media have adopted blogs as a complementary form of content to the traditional news and feature stories. According to Techhnorati's latest report on the state of the blogosphere, many bloggers are making money. Technorati surveyed a sample of about 1,000 bloggers and found that the mean annual revenue for advertising is $6,000, but sites with 100,000 or more unique visitors are generating more than $75,000 in revenue.

Obama's call for change impacts language, TV

"ObamaSpeak" -- encompassed by words such as "obamamentum," "obamabot," "obamacize," "obamarama" and "obamanation" -- has been the second-most-used catchphrase on U.S. television this past year, topped only by No. 1 word "Beijing" referencing the recent Olympics, according to a study from the Global Language Monitor released on Tuesday.