Network Neutrality and Quality of Services Divisive Topics at FCC Workshop
The importance of quality of service and the divisive effect of Net neutrality rules were key topics at the Federal Communication Commission's Technical Advisory Process Workshop on Tuesday. "The fundamental issue," said Paul Sanchirico of Cisco Systems, "is 'is my behavior affecting your experience?' When it's congested, I want to make sure I'm protecting everyone's experience. There's a greater good." Sanchirico suggested methods for improving network performance. Fundamental to maintaining quality of service (QoS) is establishing the prioritization of information packets. By marking the packets and then queuing them in certain parts of the bandwidth - based upon their priority - performance can be improved, Sanchirico said. The risk associated with this method, however, is that elimination of queued packets will be concurrent across the network, and create dangerous instability. He discussed a system, called Weighted Random Early Detection, that helps resolve this problem by dropping packets, again based upon their priority level, before destabilizing waves of network traffic appear.