July 2010

Shirley Sherrod, race and media: How ideologically slanted media organizations are hurting America

[Commentary] This is what happens when ideologically-focused noise machines are treated like real news outlets. The sad case of Shirley Sherrod -- a black woman whose story of overcoming her own prejudice was perverted into a false example of racism by a media savvy conservative activist -- provides an important lesson for journalists and news consumers, if we're willing to heed it.

So why are TV reports this morning centered on the Obama administration, and not the media frenzy which kicked all this off in the first place? Tantalizing as the political questions are, shouldn't someone be asking why organizations such as Fox News Channel -- a cable channel with "news" in its title -- passed along the clip without vetting it?

This, in the end, is the value of transparency in media organizations; so you know why something happened when they get a story wrong. As cable newschannels profit by echoing and amplifying the political viewpoints of their target audiences, their value as news organizations plummet.

Reporting on Sherrod's case without looking closely at media's role in amplifying it misses the biggest aspect of the story, moving the incident into the more comfortable confines of politics rather than news outlet's own conflicted values and compromised news judgments.

July 21, 2010 (FCC Finds Too Many Americans Lack Access to Broadband)


Today's events http://bit.ly/9eDn3K

   FCC Finds 14 to 24 Million Americans Lack Access to Broadband
   See also:FCC: Broadband Deployment Not Reaching All Americans
   Levin Encourages Digital Citizenship
   Broadband Essential to Promoting Equality and Economic Opportunity in the 21st Century
   Empowering Americans with Disabilities Through Technology
   Get towns in the broadband discussion
   Should broadband data hogs pay more? ISP economics say "no"
   Texas Agriculture Commissioner draws fire over broadband map contract

   New LTE network embraces the 'dumb pipe'
   NAB Outlines Spectrum Policy for White House

   State Department is taking right steps to foster Internet freedom
   Venezuela: Opposition TV Station to Get Government Delegate
   Report: IT dashboard plagued by outdated data
   Bringing government up to data
   Will Crowdsourcing Public Opinion Lead to Government Action?

   The FCC Policy Was a Mistake
   Newspaper Guild: Keep Media Cross-Ownership Ban

   Google To FTC: Government Role In Helping News Industry Should Be Limited

   Schools and parents have a role in ending cyberbullying

These headlines presented in partnership with:

   Emerging Markets Will Bring A Third of Global Mobile Data Revenues by 2014
   Swedish Pirate Party launches anonymous, log-free ISP
   DoCoMo Aims to Reshape Itself to Maintain Lead

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Broadband grants mean millions more for higher education

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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission, AUTHOR: Press release]
New research from the Federal Communications Commission finds that between 14 and 24 million Americans still lack access to broadband, and the immediate prospects for deployment to them are bleak. This report underscores the need for comprehensive reform of the Universal Service Fund, innovative approaches to unleashing new spectrum, and removal of barriers to infrastructure investment. The report concludes that the goal of universal availability -- deployment to all Americans -- is not being met in a timely way, and proposes to address key recommendations from the FCC's National Broadband Plan to connect all Americans as quickly as possible, including:
Reforming the FCC's universal service programs to support broadband through public-private partnerships;
Unleashing spectrum for mobile broadband;
Reducing barriers to infrastructure investment, including delays in access to poles and rights-of-way;
Collecting better broadband data to assist policymakers and consumers.
The report also takes the long-overdue step of updating a key standard - speed - used to determine whether households are served by broadband. It upgrades the standard from 200 kilobits per second downstream, a standard set over a decade ago when web pages were largely text-based, to 4 megabits per second (Mbps) downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. This is a minimum speed generally required for using today's video-rich broadband applications and services, while retaining sufficient capacity for basic web browsing and e-mail.
benton.org/node/39705 | Federal Communications Commission | MediaWeek
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[SOURCE: BroadbandBreakfast.com, AUTHOR: David Cup]
Capital and Telecommunications policy conference, Blair Levin, the principal author of the National Broadband Plan, addressed, universal first-class digital citizenship. The notion that teaching is restricted to ink and paper is wrong and Levin says that the digital platform is inherently self improving, leading to comprehensive devices and enhanced learning. Levin says that this means that a generation from now, everyone will have the opportunity to be a first class digital citizen. he said the Universal Service Fund is "heading for a train wreck" on its current path. The fund, he says, must be reformed to address broadband -- without reform the necessary funds for the National Broadband Plan will not be available. Access to broadband is a crucial element to first-class citizenship, in rural areas and low-income areas where it is either expensive or unavailable, the fund would subsidize private sector penetration.
benton.org/node/39704 | BroadbandBreakfast.com
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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission, AUTHOR: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski]
Speaking that the Access to Capital and Telecommunications Conference, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski said promoting equal opportunity, driving private sector investment, fostering an environment where new and emerging businesses can thrive are vitally important to our nation's future. And he said broadband will advance those goals. "We need to make "broad opportunity" available to every U.S. citizen. The National Broadband Plan puts us on the path to achieve this goal, but we'll need your help to get where we need to go. I look forward to working with you to seize the opportunities of broadband and bring the benefits of broadband to all Americans."
benton.org/node/39703 | Federal Communications Commission
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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission, AUTHOR: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski]
Speaking July 19 at the Americans with Disabilities Act 20th Anniversary Celebration, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski noted that communications technology has the power to transform lives for the better, and everyone should have access to communications. By implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws that followed, the FCC has helped set the stage for better and better innovations in communication. The FCC has adapted its rules year by year to help inventors and entrepreneurs make the best possible use of new technologies. Chairman Genachowski used the event to launch the Accessibility and Innovation Initiative, bringing together industry, academia, government, and business stakeholders in helping improve communications for the disability community.
benton.org/node/39702 | Federal Communications Commission
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[SOURCE: The Hill, AUTHOR: Sara Jerome]
Public Knowledge and Free Press versus AT&T, Verizon, and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA). That's how the broadband world is sometimes summarized in Washington, according to Craig Settles, the founder of Communities United for Broadband (CUFB) and a broadband planning consultant. But government and media's reliance on this character list is a "consistent frustration," he said. Spats between ISPs and consumer activists leave out a key voice and fail to get at the heart of the nation's broadband issues, Settles says. The debate needs to add input from small businesses, mayors and towns. "It's like your parents are fighting over what your allowance should be, and you're like, 'I'm 17! I think I have a viable, credible voice,'" he said.
benton.org/node/39688 | Hill, The
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[SOURCE: ars technica, AUTHOR: Nate Anderson]
It is good to be an Internet service provider. In fact, it's better than being a cable operator, since there are no multibillion-dollar payments to content creators. Time Warner Cable's revenues from Internet access have soared in the last few years, surging from $2.7 billion in 2006 to $4.5 billion in 2009. Customer numbers have grown, too, from 7.6 million in 2007 to 8.9 million in 2009. But this growth doesn't translate into higher bandwidth costs for the company; in fact, bandwidth costs have dropped. TWC spent $164 million on data contracts in 2007, but only $132 million in 2009. What about investing in its infrastructure? That's down too as a percentage of revenue. TWC does spend billions each year building and improving its network ($3.2 billion in 2009), but the raw number alone is meaningless; what matters is relative investment, and it has declined even as subscribers increased and revenues surged. "Total CapEx [capital expenses] as a percentage of revenues for the year [2009] was 18.1 percent versus 20.5 percent in 2008," said the company a few months ago. In fact, CapEx has declined for the industry as a whole. As the National Broadband Plan noted, the big ISPs invested $48 billion in their networks in 2008 and $40 billion in 2009. (About half of this money can be chalked up to broadband; the rest of the improvements were done to aid cable or phone service.) To recap: subscribers up, revenues up, bandwidth costs down, infrastructure costs down. This might seem like a textbook case of "viability"; what were Time Warner execs talking about last year when data caps were held up as a necessary safeguard against doom? TWC's single biggest expense for Internet access is not network investment or bandwidth. It's labor. As Internet use increases, TWC techs, engineers, and executives need to make adjustments. Paying all of these people costs money, and those costs increase as the network is more heavily used.
benton.org/node/39687 | Ars Technica
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[SOURCE: Dallas Morning News, AUTHOR: Jessica Meyers]
At an unveiling last month, the Texas Department of Agriculture touted its map of broadband Internet availability as the first step in closing a "digital divide" that denies rural Texans critical services. But a political divide has opened instead, as critics question the tool's accuracy and Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples' relationship with the organization that created it. Staples' Democratic rival, Hank Gilbert, and a handful of local providers, consumer groups and mapping organizations say the agency tailored the application to fit Connected Nation, the nonprofit selected by the department and the Texas Public Utility Commission to create the map. The Agriculture Department and the company defend the process, while their critics contend that the map will direct federal stimulus money toward major telecommunications companies at the expense of smaller Internet providers.
benton.org/node/39685 | Dallas Morning News
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[SOURCE: Connected Planet, AUTHOR: Kevin Fitchard]
Harbinger Capital Partners has formalized its plans to create the first wholesale-only 4G network in the US, announcing an ambitious plan to build out a nationwide long-term evolution footprint covering 92% of the population in five years, supplemented by satellites that will increase its population penetration to 100%. Nokia Siemens Networks won the infrastructure contract for the project and will manage network operations, creating a deal it estimates will be worth $7 billion over eight years. Called LightSquared, the new operator will sell 4G and satellite broadband connections by the gigabyte to national and regional wireless, wireline and cable operators; retailers; device-makers; and Web-content providers. "We will be the first quote-unquote 'dumb' wireless pipe," said Frank Boulben, its chief marketing officer, who has joined the new company after previous executive stints at Orange and Vodafone. "As we're not [launching] our own brand, we're not competing with our customers. We can only make money if our customers make money."
benton.org/node/39686 | Connected Planet
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[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
National Association of Broadcasters President Gordon Smith outlined the association's spectrum policy in a July 19 letter to Lawrence Summers, director of the White House's Economic Policy Council. Smith told Summers that he thought a "holistic" approach to spectrum policy could find spectrum to repurpose without compromising broadcasters' ability to deliver a robust service to viewers. Smith said he had no problem with incentive auctions that were truly voluntary, but said that any spectrum policy must make sure that 1) viewers still have access to broadcast digital offerings including multicast channels and mobile DTV; 2) that stations who do not give up spectrum do not suffer reduced coverage or signal degradation and interference; 3) viewers must be able to benefit from innovative new uses of broadcast spectrum by broadcasters themselves, including on-demand programming and 3DTV; and 4) broadcasters should not be charged a user fee for remaining on their spectrum.
benton.org/node/39701 | Broadcasting&Cable
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Editorial staff]
[Commentary] Billions of people live in countries where the Internet is not free. Confined behind the elaborate firewalls of authoritarian regimes such as China and Iran, they find their rights to expression threatened online and off -- by elaborate systems of monitoring and censorship and by harsh laws that punish bloggers with imprisonment or even death. In January, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke powerfully in support of Internet freedom, saying, "We stand for a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas. And we recognize that the world's information infrastructure will become what we and others make of it." Since then, the State Department has brought the issue of online freedom to the table in its diplomacy around the world and joined with Internet providers and social media companies to foster public-private partnership in Internet freedom. Such collaboration is key, since authoritarian regimes so often contract out the daily work of censorship to private companies. Congress, too, has showed commitment to openness online, allocating $35 million in funding between the 2009 and 2010 budgets for work that promotes Internet freedom. This money has yet to be spent, but the State Department finally has sent the names of designated recipients of the 2009 budget's $5 million in Internet freedom funding to Congress for its approval and soon will begin the process for distributing this year's grants. A cyberspace without walls or barriers, where people can assemble and express themselves freely, without fear of censorship or imprisonment, will make the world safer for the United States and for democracies everywhere. Continued public-private partnership, prioritization of Internet freedom in diplomacy and the wise deployment of allocated funds will move this ideal closer to reality.
benton.org/node/39713 | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: Frank Jack Daniel]
The Venezuelan government will put a representative on the board of Globovisión, the country's most influential opposition television station, President Hugo Chávez, said July 20. Globovision rejected the move, saying the government could not simply appoint a board member just because it held a stake in the company. President Chávez also said his government was preparing to revoke the license of a small TV station run by the Roman Catholic Church in Caracas.
benton.org/node/39712 | Reuters
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[SOURCE: nextgov, AUTHOR: Robert Brodsky]
A public website the Obama administration launched last year to shine a light on $80 billion in federal information technology spending contains inaccurate or outdated data on scheduling and performance, according to a new Government Accountability Office report. The IT Dashboard, which was unveiled in June 2009, provides detailed information on about 800 major IT investments, including assessments of the programs' performance against cost and scheduling targets, known as ratings. But in a report to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Government Accountability Office investigators found "notable discrepancies" with the ratings of four of eight projects examined. The findings disappointed lawmakers who have been critical of federal IT spending. Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra disagreed with many of GAO's findings, noting the watchdog mistakenly presumed its "own calculations set the standard for accuracy." Some of the discrepancies found by investigators were relatively minor, he added. Kundra also criticized GAO for failing to acknowledge several technical changes officials have made to the dashboard's ratings criteria and for not highlighting how the site has "improved transparency, accountability and oversight." In its final report, GAO relented to the criticisms, adding details about the dashboard's use of trend data and improved oversight capabilities and enhancements to investment management processes. Kundra plans to update the dashboard later this month to include new cost and schedule calculations.
benton.org/node/39700 | nextgov | GAO | Highlights of GAO report
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[SOURCE: Politico, AUTHOR: Abby Phillip, Kim Hart]
Technology drove Barack Obama's presidential campaign. And Obama's three tech "chiefs" drive his administration's technology. Their goal: Create government websites that are more like an Apple app store than the Department of Motor Vehicles. And for Vivek Kundra, Jeffrey Zients and Aneesh Chopra, that means trying to turn Obama's vision of data-driven and digital government into reality. "In our personal lives, we live in a culture where 'there's an app for that,' but for whatever reason we came into Washington, and it still looks like a culture where 'there's a form for that,'" said Chopra. But it's not just creating whiz-bang websites. In the current political climate, the stakes are high for the president and congressional Democrats, who need to prove that government can handle the challenge posed by their overhaul of the health insurance industry and other initiatives, by minimizing paperwork, lines and months of delay that have become typical of the government experience. Technology, they believe, can be the answer.
benton.org/node/39699 | Politico
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[SOURCE: Fast Company, AUTHOR: Austin Carr]
Washington has launched a series of democratic idea incubators that aim to align government action with public opinion. Taking advantage of a platform called IdeaScale, these open government initiatives enable the public to submit and vote on ideas for anything from state budgets and federal transparency to health care priorities and education. While this may sound like big step forward for the typically tech- agnostic public sector, the results, at least so far, demonstrate why crowdsourcing may be an ineffective government tool. Crowdsourcing relies on the assumption that the public will be able to produce better ideas, or in this case, at least ones the government has yet considered. But lawmakers can't pass bills simply because they've captured public opinion--legislation today is so complicated that it's perhaps beyond the public's capacity to offer a fix. Take the FCC's Broadband IdeaScale page, in which it asks voters to brainstorm ideas on creating a National Broadband Plan. Of the 249 proposals submitted, the most popular reads: "Bring the United States mobile broadband pricing in line with the rest of the world." The submission includes a helpful list of countries that provide less expensive Internet access. Other popular ideas range from "catching up with Korea" to "promot[ing] telecommuting--reduce time and energy waste." As you might guess, these ideas are not exactly novel, and they are absolutely not easy to enact.
benton.org/node/39683 | Fast Company
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[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Michael Powell]
[Commentary] Decency standards have value and are necessary for responsible media companies, but the court was right to strike down the current indecency policy. It is time now for the Supreme Court to revisit its half-century-old decision that broadcasting alone is undeserving of full First Amendment protection. While easy to fault the Federal Communications Commission's administration of the indecency laws, the real problem is the now-flawed constitutional foundation on which the law is built. Light years ago, the Supreme Court held broadcast content could be more aggressively regulated because it was a scarce resource that held a "uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of all Americans." Broadcasting then was a scarce medium without rival — a time before UHF, cable, satellite, or the Internet. If the case for lesser speech protection for broadcasting was ever sound, that case is eviscerated today by the sheer abundance and accessibility of other media sources, which enjoy full constitutional protection. We cannot have one First Amendment for broadcasting and another one for every other medium. This vestige of a bygone era provides fertile ground for mischief — culture wars, political agenda and moral mandates. It's high time for the high court to bring our laws into the 21st century. [Powell is a former FCC chairman]
benton.org/node/39689 | New York Times
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[SOURCE: paidContent.org, AUTHOR: Joseph Tartakoff]
Google just posted its response to proposals the Federal Trade Commission has said it is looking into in order to support the "reinvention of journalism." In the document, Google argues that the challenges facing the news industry are business problems, not legal problems, and can therefore "only be addressed effectively with business solutions," which it says it is helping the news industry develop. "The ultimate solutions that will result in a new online equilibrium for the news industry cannot ... be mandated by changes in the regulatory framework or a change in copyright laws," the company says. Google comes out against several of the proposals the FTC has said it is looking at. For instance, the company says there is no need to modify the Copyright Act to include specific guidelines for "aggregators and search engines," saying that interpretation of that law is best left to the courts. And it says it's opposed to any new antitrust exemptions that would let news sites put up pay walls together and also jointly charge news aggregators (including, presumably, Google News), saying that the changes would likely be ineffective and be harmful to consumers.
benton.org/node/39682 | paidContent.org
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Editorial staff]
[Commentary] Lack of maturity, lack of supervision, and technology that can transmit messages instantly to millions of people: This is the volatile cocktail that lies at the root of cyberbullying. Today's high school and middle school students have been texting, e-mailing, instant messaging and posting on Facebook since they could reach a keyboard. But when this extensive technological knowledge combines with the raging hormones, limited impulse control and failure to understand consequences that mark the teenage years, the results can be devastating. Schools are generally empowered to deal with off-campus activities when they have a negative impact on campus life. Because anything created online is accessible from anywhere at any time, this line can be hard to draw. Schools can help themselves combat the problem by clearly banning cyberbullying in their acceptable-use policies and honor codes, as they do traditional bullying. But ultimately it is the role of parents to establish the terms of their children's activity online, setting clear limits and responding supportively and definitively if things go awry.
benton.org/node/39711 | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: GigaOm, AUTHOR: Kevin Tofel]
Developed nations such as the U.S., Japan and the UK are driving mobile data demand, but emerging markets aren't far behind when it comes to mobile data service revenues. A new report from Informa Telecoms & Media suggests that by 2014, 36 percent of global mobile data revenues will come from nations like Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Poland and the Ukraine -- areas that, as compared to countries with national network coverage, lag in terms of 3G and 4G infrastructure. Informa estimates the mobile data services market will grow from $200 billion in 2009 to $340 billion in 2014. Such growth in areas where a 2G signal is standard gives hope to a company like Nokia, who focuses such services on emerging areas. Since bandwidth is limited or priced at a premium, optimizing something as simple as a weather report over SMS could provide farmers in a 2G area with timely information needed to maximize their harvest, for example. But don't count out the app stores just yet — once 3G arrives in the current 2G nations, consumers are expected to spend even more, as the Middle East and Africa could overtake North America's app store revenues by 2012.
benton.org/node/39708 | GigaOm | Informa
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State Department is taking right steps to foster Internet freedom

[Commentary] Billions of people live in countries where the Internet is not free. Confined behind the elaborate firewalls of authoritarian regimes such as China and Iran, they find their rights to expression threatened online and off -- by elaborate systems of monitoring and censorship and by harsh laws that punish bloggers with imprisonment or even death.

In January, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke powerfully in support of Internet freedom, saying, "We stand for a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas. And we recognize that the world's information infrastructure will become what we and others make of it." Since then, the State Department has brought the issue of online freedom to the table in its diplomacy around the world and joined with Internet providers and social media companies to foster public-private partnership in Internet freedom. Such collaboration is key, since authoritarian regimes so often contract out the daily work of censorship to private companies.

Congress, too, has showed commitment to openness online, allocating $35 million in funding between the 2009 and 2010 budgets for work that promotes Internet freedom. This money has yet to be spent, but the State Department finally has sent the names of designated recipients of the 2009 budget's $5 million in Internet freedom funding to Congress for its approval and soon will begin the process for distributing this year's grants.

A cyberspace without walls or barriers, where people can assemble and express themselves freely, without fear of censorship or imprisonment, will make the world safer for the United States and for democracies everywhere. Continued public-private partnership, prioritization of Internet freedom in diplomacy and the wise deployment of allocated funds will move this ideal closer to reality.

Venezuela: Opposition TV Station to Get Government Delegate

The Venezuelan government will put a representative on the board of Globovisión, the country's most influential opposition television station, President Hugo Chávez, said July 20. Globovision rejected the move, saying the government could not simply appoint a board member just because it held a stake in the company. President Chávez also said his government was preparing to revoke the license of a small TV station run by the Roman Catholic Church in Caracas.

Schools and parents have a role in ending cyberbullying

[Commentary] Lack of maturity, lack of supervision, and technology that can transmit messages instantly to millions of people: This is the volatile cocktail that lies at the root of cyberbullying.

Today's high school and middle school students have been texting, e-mailing, instant messaging and posting on Facebook since they could reach a keyboard. But when this extensive technological knowledge combines with the raging hormones, limited impulse control and failure to understand consequences that mark the teenage years, the results can be devastating.

Schools are generally empowered to deal with off-campus activities when they have a negative impact on campus life. Because anything created online is accessible from anywhere at any time, this line can be hard to draw. Schools can help themselves combat the problem by clearly banning cyberbullying in their acceptable-use policies and honor codes, as they do traditional bullying.

But ultimately it is the role of parents to establish the terms of their children's activity online, setting clear limits and responding supportively and definitively if things go awry.

FCC: Broadband Deployment Not Reaching All Americans

The Federal Communications Commission rightly finds today that all means all. If 14 to 24 million Americans can not make use of today's essential communications tool, then the U.S. has a problem. In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, we need all Americans connected to the tools that are essential to jobs and economic growth, democratic engagement and civic engagement, health and public safety, and education and lifelong learning. Both the public and private sector should see the FCC's new report as another call to join forces and implement the National Broadband Plan. If not, we run the risk of a unconnected America, a second-class player on the global stage.

FCC: Broadband Deployment Not Reaching All Americans

New research from the Federal Communications Commission finds that between 14 and 24 million Americans still lack access to broadband, and the immediate prospects for deployment to them are bleak. The FCC report concludes that the goal of universal availability -- deployment to all Americans -- is not being met in a timely way. The following statement can be attributed to Charles Benton, Benton Foundation CEO and Chairman.

Emerging Markets Will Bring A Third of Global Mobile Data Revenues by 2014

Developed nations such as the U.S., Japan and the UK are driving mobile data demand, but emerging markets aren't far behind when it comes to mobile data service revenues. A new report from Informa Telecoms & Media suggests that by 2014, 36 percent of global mobile data revenues will come from nations like Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Poland and the Ukraine -- areas that, as compared to countries with national network coverage, lag in terms of 3G and 4G infrastructure. Informa estimates the mobile data services market will grow from $200 billion in 2009 to $340 billion in 2014. Such growth in areas where a 2G signal is standard gives hope to a company like Nokia, who focuses such services on emerging areas. Since bandwidth is limited or priced at a premium, optimizing something as simple as a weather report over SMS could provide farmers in a 2G area with timely information needed to maximize their harvest, for example. But don't count out the app stores just yet — once 3G arrives in the current 2G nations, consumers are expected to spend even more, as the Middle East and Africa could overtake North America's app store revenues by 2012.

Swedish Pirate Party launches anonymous, log-free ISP

Sweden's Pirate Party wants to continue defending people's "right to act politically," and has decided take its ideals a step further than just hosting The Pirate Bay on its own servers. The political Piratpartiet has big plans to launch its own ISP that delivers service in line with the party's ideals. It won't be like your standard ISP, though: the Pirate ISP founders say that users will be responsible for fixing and maintaining their service, and that privacy will be one of its highest priorities.

DoCoMo Aims to Reshape Itself to Maintain Lead

A Q&A with DoCoMo President Ryuji Yamada. NTT DoCoMo, the top carrier in Japan's mature mobile phone industry, continues to hold about half of the country's market by subscriptions and its cancellation rate remains low. Even though the third largest carrier, Softbank Corp., which sells Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPad in Japan, is getting a lot more publicity lately, few analysts see an immediate threat to DoCoMo's position in the domestic market.