July 2010

House Commerce Committee OKs Communications Disability Access Bill

The House Commerce Committee approved HR 3101, a bill that updates disability access to communications services elements of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, but with changes that address some of the issues that industry had with the bill.

The legislation, the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010, now goes to the House floor for a vote. A Senate version has already passed out of the Senate Commerce Committee. Among other things, the bill requires the captioning of any online video that is closed captioned on TV, and asks the Federal Communications Commission to study captioning of Web-original video. It also requires smart phones and other mobile devices to be accessible to the disabled, if that is achievable, and restores the FCC's video description rules thrown out by the courts in 2002. What passed Wednesday in the House committee was a substitute bill reflecting talks with stakeholders, including industry players, said Communications Subcommittee Chairman Rick Boucher (D-VA).

Rep Ed Markey (D-MA), sponsor and driving force behind the bill, outlined some of the changes that give industry more flexibility. He pointed out that the new version now exempts live or "near live" programming from video description, provides program owners and distributors an exemption from descriptions if they would be "economically burdensome." And while it also expands the original top 25 market mandate for descriptions to all media markets, it does that over six years, Rep Markey pointed out, and gives the FCC the ability to grant waivers for markets where it deems that appropriate.

Waxman Says Commerce Committee Will Look Into Access to PEG Channels

House Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) called access to public, educational, and government (PEG) cable channels an important issue and one the committee would look into.

The assurance was made to Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) who had asked for assurances that the committee would take up PEG issues "in the near future." Those issues included the move of PEG channels from analog to digital tiers, the clustering on digital channels on subchannels to a single, menu-driven channel, and other moves by cable operators that she argues can make them harder to access, including for the disabled.

FCC to Defend Martin-Era Media Ownership Rules

On July 21, the Federal Communications Commission filed a brief to Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia defending the media ownership rules adopted in 2007 under then-Chairman Kevin Martin. The FCC relaxed rules on cross ownership of newspapers and broadcast outlets in the nation's 20 largest markets.

"While the rules being challenged were adopted before I became chairman, I support our general counsel in arguing that the order was within the discretion of the commission and the brief's general defense of the commission's authority to make decisions based on the information before it at the time," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said.

In its defense, FCC General Counsel Austin Schlick argued in the brief that it was reasonable to relax the rules in the top 20 markets because "combinations ‘generally raise fewer diversity concerns' in the top 20 markets because those markets 'have more media outlets.'" The FCC brief describes the change as modest. The commission brief also defended the Martin commission decision not to scrap the ban. "To protect against the realistic prospect that consolidation of media outlets in some instances could harm viewpoint diversity, the Commission adopted a presumption against newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership in markets below the top 20," it said.

FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, took the commission to task for its defense. "It is difficult for me to believe that our new FCC, with its new majority, is in court today basically accepting the validity of the pro-consolidation decision of a previous Commission," said Copps. "We have had 18 months to reconsider the awful vote that loosened our newspaper-broadcast cross ownership rules, but the best we can do, judging from today's brief, is to kick the media ownership can farther down the road."

Cell phone safety advocates call on FCC, FDA to update rules, radiation standards

As concerns rise over the potential health risks posed by cellphone radiation, advocates of cell phone safety are urging federal regulators to do more to protect users of wireless gadgets.

In a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, the American Association for Cell Phone Safety wrote that while the popularity of cellphones has soared, federal health and communications regulators are relying on outdated standards to evaluate phone safety.

"The FCC is clearly not a health agency and makes no mention of the agency's qualifications to set health and safety standards with cell phones and wireless PDA's," the group wrote in its letter dated July 11. A similar letter was sent to Food and Drug Administration Commission Margaret Hamburg. The group asked the FCC to review its role in ensuring that radiation emissions from mobile phones are at safe levels. It also requested that the agency study how it informs the public about the impact of cellphone radiation on human body tissue.

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy

[Commentary] When I'm talking to people from outside Washington, one question inevitably comes up: Why is the media so liberal? The question often reflects a suspicion that members of the press get together and decide on a story line that favors liberals and Democrats and denigrates conservatives and Republicans. My response has usually been to say, yes, there's liberal bias in the media, but there's no conspiracy. The liberal tilt is an accident of nature. The media disproportionately attracts people from a liberal arts background who tend, quite innocently, to be politically liberal. If they came from West Point or engineering school, this wouldn't be the case. Now, after learning I'd been targeted for a smear attack by a member of an online clique of liberal journalists, I'm inclined to amend my response. Not to say there's a media conspiracy, but at least to note that hundreds of journalists have gotten together, on an online listserv called JournoList, to promote liberalism and liberal politicians at the expense of traditional journalism.

Connecticut's Google Probe Draws 37 States

The attorney general of Connecticut said 37 states have joined his investigation of Google and that he continues to seek information about whether privacy laws were broken when Google's Street View vehicles collected personal data of unsuspecting Internet users.

In a letter dated July 21 sent to Google, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal seeks specific details about the collection of data, including whether Google sold or used any of the information it collected. He threatened legal recourse if he doesn't get the answers he wants, requesting the response by July 23. Blumenthal also asked Google if it had tested the program, how long the software might have spent collecting data from specific signals and to divulge specific names of employees involved and their explanations. Blumenthal, updating an investigation that began last month, said if Google had been testing the data it should have foreseen the trouble.

Google Boosts Spending on Lobbying as FCC Tackles Internet Access Issue

Google spent $2.7 million on lobbying activities in the first six months of 2010, compared with $1.8 million during the same period in 2009.

Facebook Tops 500 Million Users

Facebook, the social network created in the dormitories of Harvard six years ago, said on July 21 that it now had 500 million members. The company has grown at a meteoric pace, doubling in size from a year ago and pushing international competitors aside. Each month, Facebook says, more than 30 billion photographs, links to Web sites and news articles are shared through the site, and its members spend roughly 700 billion minutes there.

With New Report FCC Makes a Bid for Universal Broadband

[Commentary] Regardless of what statements and actions come from the latest Federal Communications Commission broadband report, there's at least one sign of a step forward in the actual definition of "broadband," which as recently as 2008 was considered by the FCC to be 200 kbps down.

The new standards, which were initially suggested in the National Broadband Plan, are four Mbps down and one Mbps up. Fiber technologies already trump this minimum definition, but fiber-to-the-home is expensive — even in non-rural areas. The FCC's newest findings, then, could give additional life to DSL, which although prominent, is seen as a slower pipe with its use of copper for the last mile instead of fiber optics. A more likely solution for covering the broadband "black hole" that tens of millions now face is wireless as the last mile -- carriers wouldn't have to wire each individual home in rural areas. Instead, their wire investment would be limited to single lines of backhaul to towers among the fields and forests.

Stearns: FCC Should Not Put Title II on September Meeting Agenda

On July 21, Rep Cliff Stearns (R-FL) said he was concerned that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski might be planning to put the reclassification of broadband access under Title II regulations on the FCC's September meeting agenda, and asked House Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) to advise the chairman not to do so.

Rep Stearns argued that it would provide little time for the FCC to consider the comments it had solicited on the proposal (replies are due in mid-August). He also said Hill discussions suggested that there was a way to have a targeted legislative solution. It would also provide Congress little time to ponder that move since it will only have just returned from its August recess.

FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker, for one, has said she expected the FCC to take up reclassification, which she has major concerns about, in early fall or even late summer, "while the leaves are still on the trees."