Improving Our Nation's Cybersecurity Through the Public-Private Partnership
For the first time, industry groups and civil liberties interests have come together to advocate a comprehensive, common approach to cybersecurity. That approach is reflected in the release of a cybersecurity white paper that rejects government mandates and advocates for a stronger partnership between industry and government. The 20-page white paper is a joint release from the Center for Democracy and Technology, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Software Alliance, TechAmerica, and the Internet Security Alliance.
The white paper makes a number of recommendations, including:
- Government and industry should work together to strengthen international standards for cybersecurity, and the government should provide incentives for security levels that go beyond what the market delivers on its own.
- Information sharing for cybersecurity purposes should be transparent and should comply with fair information practice principles.
- A national cybersecurity R&D plan aimed at protecting the most critical and strategic national interests.