Satellite Operators Want Piece Of FCC Broadband Fund
A group of satellite broadband providers -- Dish Network, EchoStar Technologies, ViaSat/Wildblue Communications and Hughes Network Systems -- told the Federal Communications Commission that they should be allowed to participate in the Connect America Fund.
The FCC is reforming the Universal Service Fund, which has been supporting traditional phone, to subsidizing broadband in unserved areas via the new Connect America Fund. According to the satellite operators, there are no technical reasons to exclude satellite broadband providers from obtaining funds under the revised regime. "Greater reliance on satellite broadband to achieve universal service goals is entirely consistent with the proposed principles," the satellite providers said in comments filed April 18. "The Administration and the Commission have made ubiquitous broadband a national priority, and satellite broadband providers hold the key to achieving these ambitious goals on a timely and cost-effective basis."