Recap: FCC Nominations Hearing
The Senate Commerce Committee heard testimony from Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Varadaraj Pai, President Barack Obama’s nominees to serve as commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission.
The nominees were pushed by Committee members to go on the record about some of the most contentious issues in telecommunications. Instead, the nominees toed the line between showcasing their expertise and avoiding answers that could box them in on issues they may soon regulate. Asked about the FCC’s release of a staff report on the AT&T/T-Mobile deal, Rosenworcel said, "I believe it's within [the FCC chairman's] statutory authority, but I will acknowledge it's probably unprecedented.” Pai said he would "view the discretion [of the FCC] as one that should be exercised very carefully" but added he wasn't apprised on the issue. "To the extent [releasing the document] aggravates people in industry and on the Hill, that's something I would take into account," he said. But the nominees didn't shy away from clear positions divisive topics, generally reflecting the mainstream views of their respective parties.
Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) said the chances for confirmation are good for both nominees, but an obstacle remains. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) reaffirmed his commitment to holding up the process unless the FCC releases certain documents about LightSquared, a wireless startup mired in regulatory problems because its service may interfere with GPS devices.